Snarky Brides

Grrr invitations

So, I picked up my invitations on Friday. Woo Hooo!!!! is what I was thinking. It took us forever to find something that we liked and that fit into the budget. So my FMIL was checking them out on Sunday and right before she left, she just had to look at them one last time. And what does she happen to see? They printed SATURDAY September 5th, 2010. Last I checked Sept 5th was a Sunday. Do they not check calendars? It was right on the order form.

So long vent short, we sent them back and are waiting to hear how much the reprint is going to cost. I'm hoping for just actual cost and shipping. Silver lining: they let us keep all the envelopes and one invitation so we can get everything addressed and postage worked out.

I just wish it had been anyone else that had found the mistake, because FMIL is the reason that I just want the planning to be over.

Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

Re: Grrr invitations

  • Did they not send you a proof?
  • Did you have an opportunity to proof them before they printed them? If so, and you signed off on it, I hope they cut you a break on the reprint. OUCH!
  • FI got the proof while he was OOT working, and since I work 2 jobs I was letting him take care of this part. He read the proof, pulled the trigger for printing, and I picked them up.

    Unfortunately, he deleted the proof after ordering the invites and so we're not sure if the proof was right or wrong. But we did have a copy of the original paper order form that was correct. 

    I can't believe that we didn't even notice. I guess we were just looking at the date. When it comes down to it, who knows who's fault the misprint was, which is why I'm not more freaked about it. I'm just hoping to not have to repay full price. Oh, and hoping that FMIL keeps her mouth shut about it.  

    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
  • I was so paranoid about my invitations having an error on them that I sent the proof to NASA to have scientists analyze it.
  • I was so paranoid about my invitations having an error on them that I sent the proof to NASA to have scientists analyze it.

    I wish I had thought to do this
    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
  • We went through three reprints of our invitations.  I'm glad that is over!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:f80e04be-425b-411f-818c-806ab8b5cb3cPost:414e2bca-438b-4cbd-94d8-53db35eb0f63">Re: Grrr invitations</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was so paranoid about my invitations having an error on them that I sent the proof to NASA to have scientists analyze it. I wish I had thought to do this
    Posted by carethb[/QUOTE]

    I got the idea from the man who lives under my sink.
  • That sucks. Invitations we're my biggest hassle because I'm into design so I criticized every little, tiny detail. I think we must have gone through 10 different proofs before I was satisfied, but at least they we're printed correctly!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Grrr invitations</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was so paranoid about my invitations having an error on them that I sent the proof to NASA to have scientists analyze it.
    Posted by zippityb[/QUOTE]

    Bahahahaha, love it. **looks around, takes notes**
  • zippityb -- where can I get one of those? I'm sure he'd save me some headaches.
    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Grrr invitations</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was so paranoid about my invitations having an error on them that I sent the proof to NASA to have scientists analyze it.
    Posted by zippityb[/QUOTE]

    <div>See I wouldn't trust a NASA scientist, they sometimes don't convert units (meters to inches) and crash spacecrafts into Mars...</div>
  • I just wish I would have thought to have him read it to me, or someone, or have someone read it to him. I think that maybe we would have caught the error earlier, if it was wrong on the proof.

    At this point I'm just ready for the planning to be over. It hasn't been a fun process for us.
    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
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