Snarky Brides

Re: Haha! For my lovelies with kids

  • I've seen that website before.  All I have to say is properly supervised kids don't ruin stuff.  Well, at least not as much stuff as unsupervised children. 
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    2011 Reading Challenge

    Jessica has read 16 books toward her goal of 150 books.
    "It's fine to have an open mind, just not so open your brains fall out."
  • Ha! That's hilarious. It makes me thankful that Ben has not really done any of that (yet).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Haha! For my lovelies with kids</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've seen that website before.  All I have to say is properly supervised kids don't ruin stuff.  Well, at least not as much stuff as unsupervised children. 
    Posted by luckyme502[/QUOTE]
    Well, by the time I came around, there were 3 of us and only one mom, so, you do the math.  Although, the worst I did was color on the wall in permanent marker and cover my body in red food dye. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • This makes me glad I don't ever want children.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I've stopped a few similar events.  I still watch my 11 year old like a hawk.
  • Oh my god! This website is terrifying. I love the iPod one. Smile

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I don't understand how little kids get access to paint? The buckets are kind of heavy...

    my favorite is the loofah: 
    "“You no look with your face mom. You no look with your face.” This is his current catch-phrase for when he knows he’s up to no good."
  • And people wonder why I don't want kids.
  • This is both hilarious and horrifying! The ipod one is great.
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  • My little sister got a hold of a magic marker and colored so hard in one spot on the bathroom wall that it went all he way through the paint into the sheetrock. We had to put walpaper over it, and then primer, and then paint in order to cover it up. She also emptied my mom's contacts into the toilet, under the guise of cleaning them.

    She was fairly well supervised by me, my older sister, and my mom, but she was fast and sneaky. Come to think of it, she's still fast and sneaky.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • edited July 2010
    Declan drew on the walls today for the first time. I had no idea he had a pen, that sneaky little devil. He was on his little car, pushing himself around, when all of a sudden he stopped and it got quiet. Yeah, little trouble maker!
  • I've found that it's when they're quiet, that you have the most to worry about.
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