August 2012 Weddings

New List of Wedding Dates!

Please let me know if anyone wants to be added. I will need your full screen name (sometimes it just won't show in a post), your first name, your FI first name and your wedding date. If you have a bio that you want added just add the link to the bottom.

At this point there are 168 August 2012 weddings!

August 2nd Knotties
jmp2004 (Jordan & Andy)

August 3rd Knotties
dawnp917 (Dawn & Dave)

KellyBrian2013 (Kelly & Brian)

VNEluvsAJB (Valerie & Adam)

wussica (Erica and Robert)

August 4th Knotties
albionbrits (Michelle & Philipp)

Binkieloo (Bianca & Brian) **BIO

bridejl (Lauren & Justin)

Burke922 (Mary & Brendan)

ceceibson (CeCe & Wendell) 

delilah3451 (Victoria & Adam)

discordiasa (Samantha & Michael)

dramaqueen2985 (Jessica & Matt)

hvcfringe (Heather & Jake)

iriscarmendiaz (Ebonye & Andre)

JDNDREWS (Toya & Karl)

JW28 (Jane and Jose)

KJDP20 (Kelly & Dan)

kristenbeddia (Kristen & Adam)

kthowell (Karla & Tyyon)

Lauren1102 (Lauren & Ryan)

loves2shop4shoes (Cathy & Jeremy)

manikmarie (Tina & Bobby) *** BIO

MMS2012 (Moe & Tony)

monet7383 (Nicole & Stephen)

mstoini (Antoinette & Kamahal)



rgomez27941(Rachel and Patrick)

sdk00 (Shawna & Justin)

smarties9187 (Amy & Andrew)

TBee99 (Tori & Craig)

Whitneyf1 (Whitney & Rich)***PINTEREST

Xanabela (Alexandra & Daniel)

August 5 Knotties

valentinelovers (Jess & Nico)

August 6 Knotties
JessiiJ (Jessica & Vincenzo)

August 8 Knotties
random4180 (Rachel and Dan)

August 10 Knotties
CallMeMrsChaos (Tricia & Greg)

Eyejewel (Jen & Corey)

h1jung (Hyuniee and Eric)

kdheiny (Kristen & David)

Keyri06 (Keyri & Edwin)

MustangAlly210 (Alexandra & Jeremy)


oosoposh (Lizzy & Andy)

August 11 Knotties
bmetz34 (Brigitte & Jeremy)

Colstj1 (Janelle & Nicholas)*** BIO

FLsweetpea1979 (Shannon & Frank) ** PINTEREST

garciamariaf (Maria & Jose)

Gingery1 (Emily & Shawn)

Handrbailey (Holly and Ryan)


kaitlyn20 (Kaitlyn & Justin)

KTina&BJ (Kristina & William)

LaurenG1986(Lauren & Mike)


LGM22 (Liz and Jacob)

littlelo85 (Lauren & Mark)

LK&DParker (Lia Kate & Drew) **PINTEREST

Lmskowronski (Leah and Dave)


MrsAllison33 (Jackie & Coye)

nessavll (Richard & Vanessa)

Phoenixashes(Nicole & Danny)

sbrown1809 (Shemika & Michael)

SunflwrSara (Sara& Dave) **tentative**

Sunshine811 (Amy and Jason)

tcjames (Tilwanna & Jeffrey)

Tlongo (Tracy & Dan)

Worthit1985 (Tracy & Matt)

August 12 Knotties
BooTheKitty (Stephanie & Brent)

manduh425 (Amanda & Brian)

NessaAlwayz (Vanessa & Jermaine)***BIO

TAKirby (Tiffany &Jon)

Woodland5 (Joan & Kevin)

August 14 Knotties
Tropicles (Sarah & Lynton)

August 17 Knotties
Eclaire8198 (Erica & Brad)

holycrapitsalexa (Joe and Alexa)

id012  (Andrea and tony)

LaraCroft21 (Claire & Adam)

letyourselfgo (Mimi & Luke)

lxlsmplysweetlxl (Melissa & Joe)

ohnoitskaroljo (Karol & Greg) **Pinterest

rachmezz (Rachael & Patrick)

sasha213sw (Sabrina & Zac)

August 18 Knotties

Amandalyn2104 (Amanda & Matt)

brij2006 (Bridget and Derrick)

Britoz (Britanee + Dakota)

Burke922 (Mary & Brendan)

carissalf (Carissa & Jonathan)

casey0982 (Casey & Scott)

Crissy949 (Crissy and Trevor)

DeClue82 (Lauren and Chris)

elyse05 (Elyse & Kyle)

gymbugmj2k (Mary & Mark) *** BIO

Holi108 (Mandy & Kevin) *** BIO

JennieandJason8182012 (Jennie & Jason)

jess715 (Jessica and Chris)

Kristan1022 (Kristan and Jeremy)*** bio

Ktina&BJ (Kristina & William)

LibraShawn (La Shawn and Myron)

Mandy6585 (Mandy & Steve)

mbatzlaff (Mindy and Chris)***BIO

meatballfun (Kristen and Gerard)

MrsR12 (Tam & Fernando)

m tulli (Michelle and Martin)

owengirl996 (Tiffany & Seean)

S6ix (Sarah and Scott)

Sarah082012 (Sarah and Joe)

saraschilling88 (Sara and Mitch)

Shelbeanie (Shelbie & Erik)

stacia0708 (Stacia & David)

StephBeanWed61502 (Stephanie & Ralph)

sstonge (Samantha & Wayne)

theleos (Jenn & Chris)

TaraNeufeld (Tara & Daniel)

wilcoxin2012 (Tiffani & Reed)

August 19 Knotties
20pearls16 (Benita & Phi)

BrennaAshley (Brenna & Josh)


jesslimax (Jessica & Ross)

August 21 Knotties

August 23 Knotties
Halie520 (Halie and Brian)

August 24 Knotties
carpediem27 (Katie & Marshall) *** BIO

(Erika and Chris)

Kat212 (Kathryn & Kyle)

Lobsters25 (Anny & Chuck)

Maggiebeth29 (Maggie and Andrew)

mtishawt (Maritoni & Brian) ** Site

TheSauers (Abby & Michael)

August 25 Knotties
Ajoyd (Amanda & Seth)

Allanier (Allison & Alex)

beeb116 (Ruby & Chris)

Chelesta (Sam & Chelsea)

christin228 (Christine & Aldo) ** BIO

Debbie4020 (Debbie & Grant)

eseney82 (Erin & Nic)

Tkdnyc (Tania and Michael)

i2012do (Jen & Tyler) *** BLOG

jmctigue (Jennifer & Stephen)

jmrupprecht (Jessica & Mike)

kap617 (Katie & James)

katelynnreed (Katelynn & Billy)

Kristylin223 (Kristy & Justin)

LilSparkles169 (Megan & Justin)

lissadelsol (Louise & Sam)

LittleMissCutiePie (Kristie & Andrew) **BLOG  **PINTEREST

medicapril (April & Billy)

Meli.Mel (Wes & Mel)

msowena (Manda & Brandon)

osuchica85 (Stacey & Adam)

sarahalex9909 (Sarah & Alex)

sdrobi (Sabrina & Antuane)

sflver83 (Ashley & TJ)

smilesavy (Marsi & Rick)

spazticrexe (Angela & Chris)

starryangelz72 (Samantha & John)

TattooedLady72 (Krystle & Matthew)

August 26 Knotties
jojooo714 (Joanna and Antonio)

August 27 Knotties
MrsNaut0812 (Jennifer and Hector)

August 30 Knotties
luvfordalo (Tisha & David)

ralukeman (Rachel & Joe)

August 31 Knotties
MISSKIN (Kindra and Ryan)

rascal17 (Ricky and Simon)

sunnirain (Rachel & Roger)

Honorary August 2012 Knotties
Calindi (Cate & Ted)*** BIO

Christine&Joshua (Christine & Joshua) *** BIO

jacquiroxx (Jacqui & Chris) *** BIO

JoshLovesJekka (Jesika & Joshua) *** BIO

Re: New List of Wedding Dates!

  • I'd like to be added.. Pammie76 .. 8/24/12... Pam and Brian
  • Please add me! libby2483 Libby and Ryan August 18
  • I would like to be added. : adaisyandarose Rob Brandy August 3rd
    image 45 Invited so far!
    image 36 Are ready to party!
    image 8 Will be missing out!
    image 1 Are MIA!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Britoz
    Britanee and Dakota


    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    "He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though...keep up with news...check if I'm happy..."

    Harry on Sirus to the Dursleys. HP Prisoner of Azkaban
  • I would love to be added!
    Megan and Clint- August 18, 2012
  • Please add :)

    Stephanie & Jared
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Follow Me on Pinterest

    image140 Invited
    image107 Ready to Party
    image33 Missing Out
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