Please let me know if anyone wants to be added. I will need your
full screen name (sometimes it just won't show in a post),
your first name, your
FI first name and
your wedding date. If you have a bio that you want added just add the link to the bottom.
At this point there are 168 August 2012 weddings!
August 2nd Knotties
jmp2004 (Jordan & Andy)
August 3rd Knotties
dawnp917 (Dawn & Dave)
KellyBrian2013 (Kelly & Brian)
VNEluvsAJB (Valerie & Adam)
wussica (Erica and Robert)
August 4th Knotties
albionbrits (Michelle & Philipp)
Binkieloo (Bianca & Brian)
bridejl (Lauren & Justin)
Burke922 (Mary & Brendan)
ceceibson (CeCe & Wendell)
delilah3451 (Victoria & Adam)
discordiasa (Samantha & Michael)
dramaqueen2985 (Jessica & Matt)
hvcfringe (Heather & Jake)
iriscarmendiaz (Ebonye & Andre)
JDNDREWS (Toya & Karl)
JW28 (Jane and Jose)
KJDP20 (Kelly & Dan)
kristenbeddia (Kristen & Adam)
kthowell (Karla & Tyyon)
Lauren1102 (Lauren & Ryan)
loves2shop4shoes (Cathy & Jeremy)
manikmarie (Tina & Bobby) ***
BIOMMS2012 (Moe & Tony)
monet7383 (Nicole & Stephen)
mstoini (Antoinette & Kamahal)
rgomez27941(Rachel and Patrick)
sdk00 (Shawna & Justin)
smarties9187 (Amy & Andrew)
TBee99 (Tori & Craig)
Whitneyf1 (Whitney & Rich)***
PINTERESTXanabela (Alexandra & Daniel)
August 5 Knottiesvalentinelovers (Jess & Nico)
August 6 Knotties
JessiiJ (Jessica & Vincenzo)
August 8 Knottiesrandom4180 (Rachel and Dan)
August 10 Knotties
CallMeMrsChaos (Tricia & Greg)
Eyejewel (Jen & Corey)
h1jung (Hyuniee and Eric)
kdheiny (Kristen & David)
Keyri06 (Keyri & Edwin)
MustangAlly210 (Alexandra & Jeremy)
oosoposh (Lizzy & Andy)
August 11 Knotties
bmetz34 (Brigitte & Jeremy)
Colstj1 (Janelle & Nicholas)***
BIOFLsweetpea1979 (Shannon & Frank) **
PINTERESTgarciamariaf (Maria & Jose)
Gingery1 (Emily & Shawn)
Handrbailey (Holly and Ryan)
kaitlyn20 (Kaitlyn & Justin)
KTina&BJ (Kristina & William)
LaurenG1986(Lauren & Mike)
LGM22 (Liz and Jacob)
littlelo85 (Lauren & Mark)
LK&DParker (Lia Kate & Drew)
Lmskowronski (Leah and Dave)
MrsAllison33 (Jackie & Coye)
nessavll (Richard & Vanessa)
Phoenixashes(Nicole & Danny)
sbrown1809 (Shemika & Michael)
SunflwrSara (Sara& Dave) **tentative**
Sunshine811 (Amy and Jason)
tcjames (Tilwanna & Jeffrey)
Tlongo (Tracy & Dan)
Worthit1985 (Tracy & Matt)
August 12 Knotties
BooTheKitty (Stephanie & Brent)
manduh425 (Amanda & Brian)
NessaAlwayz (Vanessa & Jermaine)***
BIO TAKirby (Tiffany &Jon)
Woodland5 (Joan & Kevin)
August 14 Knotties
Tropicles (Sarah & Lynton)
August 17 Knotties
Eclaire8198 (Erica & Brad)
holycrapitsalexa (Joe and Alexa)
id012 (Andrea and tony)
LaraCroft21 (Claire & Adam)
letyourselfgo (Mimi & Luke)
lxlsmplysweetlxl (Melissa & Joe)
rachmezz (Rachael & Patrick)
sasha213sw (Sabrina & Zac)
August 18 Knotties
Amandalyn2104 (Amanda & Matt)
brij2006 (Bridget and Derrick)
Britoz (Britanee + Dakota)
Burke922 (Mary & Brendan)
carissalf (Carissa & Jonathan)
casey0982 (Casey & Scott)
Crissy949 (Crissy and Trevor)
DeClue82 (Lauren and Chris)
elyse05 (Elyse & Kyle)
gymbugmj2k (Mary & Mark) ***
BIOHoli108 (Mandy & Kevin) ***
BIOJennieandJason8182012 (Jennie & Jason)
jess715 (Jessica and Chris)
Kristan1022 (Kristan and Jeremy)***
bioKtina&BJ (Kristina & William)
LibraShawn (La Shawn and Myron)
Mandy6585 (Mandy & Steve)
mbatzlaff (Mindy and Chris)***
BIOmeatballfun (Kristen and Gerard)
MrsR12 (Tam & Fernando)
m tulli (Michelle and Martin)
owengirl996 (Tiffany & Seean)
S6ix (Sarah and Scott)
Sarah082012 (Sarah and Joe)
saraschilling88 (Sara and Mitch)
Shelbeanie (Shelbie & Erik)
stacia0708 (Stacia & David)
StephBeanWed61502 (Stephanie & Ralph)
sstonge (Samantha & Wayne)
theleos (Jenn & Chris)
TaraNeufeld (Tara & Daniel)
wilcoxin2012 (Tiffani & Reed)
August 19 Knotties
20pearls16 (Benita & Phi)
BrennaAshley (Brenna & Josh)
jesslimax (Jessica & Ross)
August 21 Knotties
August 23 Knotties
Halie520 (Halie and Brian)
August 24 Knotties
carpediem27 (Katie & Marshall) ***
harringtone1 (Erika and Chris)
Kat212 (Kathryn & Kyle)
Lobsters25 (Anny & Chuck)
Maggiebeth29 (Maggie and Andrew)
mtishawt (Maritoni & Brian) **
SiteTheSauers (Abby & Michael)
August 25 Knotties
Ajoyd (Amanda & Seth)
Allanier (Allison & Alex)
beeb116 (Ruby & Chris)
Chelesta (Sam & Chelsea)
christin228 (Christine & Aldo) **
BIODebbie4020 (Debbie & Grant)
eseney82 (Erin & Nic)
Tkdnyc (Tania and Michael)
i2012do (Jen & Tyler) ***
BLOGjmctigue (Jennifer & Stephen)
jmrupprecht (Jessica & Mike)
kap617 (Katie & James)
katelynnreed (Katelynn & Billy)
Kristylin223 (Kristy & Justin)
LilSparkles169 (Megan & Justin)
lissadelsol (Louise & Sam)
LittleMissCutiePie (Kristie & Andrew)
**BLOG **PINTERESTmedicapril (April & Billy)
Meli.Mel (Wes & Mel)
msowena (Manda & Brandon)
osuchica85 (Stacey & Adam)
sarahalex9909 (Sarah & Alex)
sdrobi (Sabrina & Antuane)
sflver83 (Ashley & TJ)
smilesavy (Marsi & Rick)
spazticrexe (Angela & Chris)
starryangelz72 (Samantha & John)
TattooedLady72 (Krystle & Matthew)
August 26 Knotties
jojooo714 (Joanna and Antonio)
August 27 Knotties
MrsNaut0812 (Jennifer and Hector)
August 30 Knotties
luvfordalo (Tisha & David)
ralukeman (Rachel & Joe)
August 31 Knotties
MISSKIN (Kindra and Ryan)
rascal17 (Ricky and Simon)
sunnirain (Rachel & Roger)
Honorary August 2012 Knotties
Calindi (Cate & Ted)***
BIOChristine&Joshua (Christine & Joshua) *** BIO
jacquiroxx (Jacqui & Chris) *** BIO
JoshLovesJekka (Jesika & Joshua) ***