Wedding Cakes & Food Forum

Tell me your cake flavors & fillings...


Re: Tell me your cake flavors & fillings...

  • edited December 2011

    If you aren't cake people why not try something different. I don't really like cake and love cheesecake and my FI doesn't really care so that is what we are doing. We are having 3 tiers of plain cheesecake and 4 flavored ones surrounding it (chocolate, raspberry swirl, pumpkin, and key lime).

  • kjreedkjreed member
    edited December 2011

    We are having a two tier cake so our larger tier is almond raspberry swirl with cream cheese filling and of course the FI picked out the second one chocolate with peanut butter filling. YUM!!

  • edited December 2011
    Greek choc mousse cake covered in white Lindt choc mmm mmmm mmmmmm
  • misbocmisboc member
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    edited December 2011
    We have a favorite cake place we are getting our cake from. Since we're trying to save where ever possible we are doing double layer sheet cakes. One is coconut cake with coconut frosting and the other is a Chocolate Fudge Truffle. YUMMMMM! We decided to have the cake served with a small piece of each on every plate. Our families and friends will swap if they want all of one or the other. :)

    My future sister in law did a white cake with raspberry filling, chocolate cake with raspberry filling and chocolate cake with chocolate filling and all had traditional white butter cream. The largest layer ended up being the white sheet cake and guests didn't realize there was any chocolate. Not much of the cake was eaten.

    I agree with the posters who are saying chocolate chocolate chocolate! It's a classic. Very few people don't like it.
  • edited December 2011
    Our cake is going to be lemon cake with raspberry filling.  It tastes just like lemon cupcakes that my Dad would buy for me when I was little.  I still crave those things and was really excited that my baker offered that flavor!
  • chickadee981chickadee981 member
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    edited December 2011
    We're doing cupcakes. There are going to be 3 flavors, cookies and creme, vanilla/vanilla, and strawberry with butter creme frosting.
  • edited December 2011
    4th/Bottom tier: French Vanilla cake with white chocolate mousse and raspberry
    3rd tier: Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream mousse
    2nd tier: French Vanilla cake with strawberry mousse
    Top tier: Almond cake with amaretto filling
    The whole thing is iced with Italian buttercream.

    Cakes are FREAKING amazing at the bakery we're using.  Summer wedding so we tried to go with lighter cakes and some fruity stuff.
  • peach451peach451 member
    edited December 2011
    I originally really wanted a red velvet cake or some sort of vanilla pound cake with fruit - but the bakery we chose makes a delicious devil's food cake and carrot cake!

    So we're doing that. Alternating tiers of carrot cake and devil's food cake. Carrot cake would be a nice choice for October I think, b/c it feels harvesty. =D Good luck!
  • TigsnduckTigsnduck member
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    edited December 2011
    We are doing a 2 tier cake bottom Red Velvet cake with French butter cream and top layer a white cake with french butter cream and raspberry filling. The whole cake is poured white chocolate. Can't wait it should be good. But if it was offered I would have had something coconutty maybe even a pina colada cake.
  • edited December 2011
    We have two flavors in our cake (buttercream icing on all)
     1. Chocolate Fudge cake with chocolate ganache and raspberries
    2. Yellow butter cake with lemon curd and fresh strawberries

    Grooms cake is chocolate fudge with peanut butter filling (his choice!)
  • jorica2010jorica2010 member
    Ninth Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I have a summer wedding, so what I have decided upon might be slightly different. But I'm using a yellow cake with cream cheese icing-with an in season fruit filling (apple might be lovely for the fall) and a carrot cake (which I think is awesome year round!)
    Good luck

    xoxo Jess Bennett
  • katelynn364katelynn364 member
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    edited December 2011
    We're doing 3 tiers all with French Buttercream icing.

    1. Marble cake with Blueberry Filling
    2. Marble cake with Chocolate Hazelnut filling
    3. Marble cake with Bavarian Cream filling.

    I'm not really a cake person and I am not a fan of traditional wedding cake, or for that matter, regular cake at all.  We tried our samples the other day and it was some of the best cake I have ever tasted.  All the flavors tasted great with the marble cake!
  • zoe91907zoe91907 member
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    edited December 2011
    We are having a french vanilla cake with butter cream icing and cheese cake fondant. (we tried all different flavors of fondant and cheese cake was about the only flavor that made the fondant taste good) GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    We are doing our taste testing in a few months. One of the flavors we are going to try is banana split. I believe it has strawberry, and banana filling in between chocolate and yellow cake.
  • edited December 2011
    Mine will be 3 tiers with each tier being a different flavor. Carrot cake on the top, almond cake with rasberry filling in the midde, and amaretto cake with chocolate mousse on the bottom. We tasted each of these before choosing. I'll definitely be having 3 slices of cake that night!!
  • edited December 2011
    The cake that I would LOVE to have is  Raspberry Lime Ricky cake: White cake splashed with a lime syrup and filled with a layer of raspberry buttercream and a layer of lime buttercream.  Will I get it?  No, but a girl can dream can't she?
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  • jenniekoppeljenniekoppel member
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    edited December 2011
    We are having a lemon cake with lemon custard and fresh ollaliberry filling. =)
  • TigsnduckTigsnduck member
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    edited December 2011
    OOOoooOOOohhhh I like the sound of the cheesecake fondant. I wasn't too impressed with fondant at our cake tasting. That why we went with the poured white chocolate.
  • edited December 2011
    We are doing Italian Cream cake with Bavarian filling and chocolate cake with Chocolate mouse filling!!
  • edited December 2011
    We are having an October wedding as well and are having a spice cake with butter pecan icing. and to be totally honest, i have no idea what the filling is, i left it up to the venue themselves, i tried it and it was DELICIOUS!!!
    But spice cake or pumpkin cake is VERY FALL, which is wonderful.
  • AKIrvin06AKIrvin06 member
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    edited December 2011
    We're doing 3 different flavors, FI is picking one, I'm picking one, and we've agreed on the main one. The main one is Blackforest Cherry since I'm a German major and he likes cherry flavored stuff. He's threatening Butterscotch or Caramel for his, so I'll probably do something more normal for my layer, but we're definitely looking forward to the tasting!
  • JenO24JenO24 member
    500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    louise7 - sounds very yummy!!!
  • elizabethm4elizabethm4 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm going an un-traditional route, but my cake is going to be cheescake with strawberries on top
  • edited December 2011
    My parents had a three layer cake - white on bottom for the traditional folks, spice in the middle because it was my dad's fav, and red velvet on top because it was mom's favorite. It uliminated a need for a separate groom's cake and she said the guests LOVED it!
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  • rluebbertrluebbert member
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    edited December 2011
    Our cake is a 3-tier cake and our 3 flavors are 1) red velvet w/ cream cheese frosting 2) french vanilla with raspberry filling 3) coconut!  our favorites are the red velvet and the coconut but most people only like white cake so we threw that in there. Also, if nobody likes it, more for us! good luck!

    p.s. I'm not really a cake person either, I jokingly (kind of) said we should have wedding pie but my fiance hates pie haha
  • edited December 2011
    Our wedding is also in October.  Our cake will be coffee-infused chocolate with raspberry filling, carrot cake with pumpkin mousse filling, and no-sugar-added apple chiffon cake with no-sugar icing for the smallest part. (The dieting and diabetics can be guilt-free!)
  • edited December 2011
    At our all-dessert reception, we are have a 4 tier cake. 2 tiers are white cake with strawberries and english custard filling, and 2 tiers are champagne cake with raspberry filling. We are also doing 5 cupcake flavors: Thin Mint, chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, Lemon Lavendar, Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting, and an Orange Creamsicle. Yum!

  • edited December 2011
    I'm not a cake person either so it was important to me to get something AMAZING!!  I ended up with the very first baker out of 5 that I met with. I didn't want anything dry or too sugary so we nixed all the butter cream icings. She's doing a wonderfully moist vanilla butter cake with 3 layers of strawberry filling and cream cheese frosting as well as chocolate butter cake with raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting. We're doing a 4 tier cake with alternating flavors.

    I have to say that besides marrying my FI this cake is the thing I'm most excited about for our day.
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  • hilben03hilben03 member
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    edited December 2011

    We are having a 4 teir cake with Ammaretto cake and strawberry filling. The other two teirs will be french vanilla cake and bavarian cream filling. Sounds so good! I can't wait to try it.

  • edited December 2011
    My finace and I are doing a chocolate fountain with a local company as one dessert. For our actual cake we're using a lemon cake as one tier and the bottom tier is an apple cinnamon flavor (it's an irish recipe) and marshmellow fondant (it's supposed to taste better).

    Apart from that, one popular idea in Indiana right now is serving cheesecake or cookie platters instead of actual cake. You could also do a small cheesecake for your cake and serve everyone else the actual cake if you're not cake people. Remember, it's your wedding.

    My stepsister did this wonderful cake. One tier was vanilla bean cake with raspberry filling and another tier was Godiva chocolate cake with peanutbutter mouse as a filling (it was AMAZING).
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