Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth


I know you met with Chelsea and Mack last month, did you end up deciding to book with them?

Re: **Btweety**

  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    We really loved Chelsea and Mack, but we went with Colton from SixFourteen instead. They had great personalities and pictures were very good, but we fell in love with Colton's albums and artistic direction. It was the hardest decision we have made thus far about the wedding, but we knew we would get excellent pics no matter who we chose.

    I would still love to do b-pics with Chelsea if she won't be mad that we didn't use them for wedding phototgraphy. ;)
  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh and I felt horrible when I had to write her yesterday to tell her to go ahead and meet with another couple for our date.
  • edited December 2011
    Photography is a very personal choice and I love Sixfourteen too we just clicked a little better with Chelsea and Mack and I like their more natural/less artsy feel, so I completely understand why Colton may be the better choice for you.  I am SURE she will not hold anything against you and would love to still do your b-pics.  She would be the first to tell you that if it doesnt feel 100% right then it might not be the right choice.  You will have gorgeous photos and I am just glad you found someone you really clicked with!
  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks! I felt so bad because we really did like them alot but something just told us that Colton would fit a little better. Your photos by the McGowans were great, btw. ;)

    Oh and you can call me Brittany.
  • edited December 2011
    I had mine narrowed down between Colton, Mcgowans and Fairy Tale Photograhy (the wife of the owner of our venue).  I ultimately chose Mcgowan (obviously) and felt so bad telling Tom that I chose someone else over his wife but in the end you have to do what is right and he wasnt even upset and said he is excited to work with a new photog.

    Thanks, we love our pics and CANNOT wait to see the wedding pics.  Is it sad that I am almost looking just as much forward to seeing how the photos capture the day as I am actually being married.

    Nice to know Brittany, I apologize I wasnt sure what you first name was.
  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    Ha no I completely understand. I can't wait to see the pics either, that's the fun part!
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