Getting in Shape

Monday P90X Accountability

I got up and did the Cardio DVD today since I didn't want to drag my sorry butt to the gym.  It doesn't burn very many calories, but that's no biggie since it's just so I can get some cardio in on strength days.  Later on, I've got Chest, Shoulders and Triceps + ARX.I have to admit that I was very low on calories yesterday when it was getting close to the end of the day, and instead of just drinking a protein shake like I'd intended, I ate a Reese's Klondike bar.  It was really yummy and horrid nutrition-wise, but I was still under my calories so I'm trying not to feel so bad :)  Normally I can say no to that kind of crap (I'm surrounded by it because my fiance eats like a 5 year old) but last night I just didn't want to say no.  Happy Monday!
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