Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Weigh-In Wednesday

Re: Weigh-In Wednesday

  • edited December 2011
    With that flu I had last week, I haven't been able to jump back on the wagon. DH is still doing the P90X, but last night I went and bought the 30 day shred DVD. I think it may be a lot easier for me than P90X.

    No weight has been lost though...dern it!
  • untsinguntsing member
    edited December 2011

    I have been a lazy bum!  I'm holding steady at the 15-lb loss but I haven't done any real exercise.  Today I'm turning in my Jazzercise cancellation and turning in my membership form to the UNT Rec Center which is right next to my office.  Ready to start sweating again.

  • edited December 2011
    Still hitting the gym in the mornings. Today's workout was especially tough.
    It felt good when I was doing single leg presses with a 45lb plate on each side and one of the trainers came by and said "That's really good for one leg, most people I know can't do that with any weight."

    New favorite quote:
    You have the right to remain fat. Or skinny. Or weak. But you should know that every workout you miss can and will be used against you to make your belly bigger, your muscles smaller and weaker, and your life shorter. - MH.com
  • BanannaPBanannaP member
    edited December 2011
    Still plugging along, both diet and exercise were great last week. I did indulge in a few too many cookies on Monday, but I paid for it with a tummy ache! No weight loss this week, but it's pretty typical for me to drop a lot at once and then none for a couple weeks. So hopefully I'll have a loss next week.

    Mandy, I loved the UNT fitness center. Especially when we lived behind Fouts Field, I would stop in on my way home from class, it was great.

    And Nae, wow! That's awesome!
  • edited December 2011

    Lost about half a pound.  I guess that's not bad since my goal is to make this a lifestyle change and not do anything drastic - I'd rather lose the weight over a year or two than drop it quickly and gain it back the way I have in the past. 

    I'm doing well at making sure I'm doing something active and somewhat challenging every day, but I see the best results when I really push myself hard, which means completely zapping my energy to do anything else in the evenings.  Assuming I want to have a life outside of work and the gym, I guess I'll just have to go with slower progress over time.

  • edited December 2011

    Yoga and water aerobics are still keeping me busy and getting me ready for baby. I'm really excited about how much I have been enjoying my Yoga classes, I just hope I can keep them up after the baby is born.

    I went to the dr on Monday and as of 18 week pregnant, I've only gained 2 lbs!! The dr said I'm on track to only gain about 10lbs which is not normal. Bummer. However, since the baby is growing normal and healthy, they're not concerned. SCORE!

    Its pretty good considering I'm eating at least 2 bowls of Lucky Charms a day! ;)

  • edited December 2011
    I was off the past couple of days due to the sickness, but seeing this post made me get out just now and get in some cardio and abs at the gym. Thanks for the motivation girls!
  • edited December 2011
    I am going to start focusing on conditioning workouts, I lift weights twice a week and eat plenty of protein but I still can't get that "toned" look, just the "super skinny" look. I want people to look at me and think that girl goes to gym, not that girl doesn't eat....
  • edited December 2011
    Melissa, are you lifting heavy?
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks Banana!

    (I think he was trying to flirt LOL)

    Congrats to everyone!

    Mandy - way to go on the 15 lbs! Don't stop now!!!
  • untsinguntsing member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks Nae!  I'm finding the plateau very frustrating...ready to step it up!
  • edited December 2011
    No not heavy. If I do dumbells they are only 10 pounds. And most of the machines I can only lift 10 to 15 pounds, some I can lift up to 25 pounds.
  • edited December 2011
    Heavy is going to put the muscles on. Work on upping those weights. I'm not sure exactly what exercises you are doing, but try doing a set of 10 with 10lbs, then a set of 8 with 12lbs, then a set of 6 with 15lbs. Pretty soon, you'll start with those 15lbs and end up with 20lbs and so on.
  • edited December 2011
    Nae I meant 5 pound dumbells not 10. I'm scared if I lift too heavy I will gain bulk and not just get toned. Will the exercise you mentioned above bulk me up or get me toned?

  • edited December 2011
    to look toned, you have to make the muscles bigger.

    The body building looking women take steroids or testosterone of some sort. Naturally women (typically) lack the testosterone needed to really bulk.
  • edited December 2011
    it's really a 2 step process.. cut fat then build muscle or build muscle then cut fat. once both are done, you will look 'toned'
  • edited December 2011
    Well I have definitely cut the fat, so I will focus on the exercises you gave me to gain the muscle. Thanks for the advice!
  • edited December 2011
    no problem! do that for all of the exercises you do. just increase the weight a little for each set.
  • edited December 2011
    Melissa - I want to see your hot body! :)

    Way to go!
  • edited December 2011
    LOL, thanks Emily! I hope after I gain some muscle I will have a Hot body.
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