Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

First Draft: Opinions, please?

11 days to go; I think it's time I finally carved out some time to write my vows :).  I'm going for "touching" and a little bit of humor, along with the obvious expressions of love and devotion; have I accomplished this?  Anything I should add or leave out? 

Thanks, ladies!

Jeff, I come to you today not as a young, romantic girl, but as a woman of middle age.  My love for you does not make me giddy or silly, rather it brings me deep comfort, as does knowing your love for me.

I love how we balance each other, compliment each other.  Your patience slows me down long enough to enjoy and appeciate.  Your kindness reminds me to do more for others.  Your silly side makes me remember to laugh at myself...and at all those things in life that would otherwise drive me crazy! 

You are so good for me.  I can only try and hope to add as much to your life as you do to mine.  I promise to be your partner, your friend, to love and respect you unconditionally every single day...even when you track dirt in from the garden or make us late AGAIN looking for your keys or glasses!  I promise to be truthful with you in all things, and to be faithful to you always.  I promise to at least try to keep up with be there, whether it's a family birthday party, or a convention in Vegas - you will not go alone.

I promise to live the rest of our lives as your wife.  I will share my innermost thoughts and feelings with you, and I will be there to listen to yours with love and understanding. 

Jeff, thank you for coming into my life. Now you have become my life, my world.  I am so excited to stand here today and promise to love, honor, and cherish you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for the rest of our lives.   

Re: First Draft: Opinions, please?

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