Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Vows 3rd draft....opinions please (xp)


I know God picked you just for me. He had you in mind for me all along. I love you so much. You’re my best friend.  I know I can tell you anything and you won’t judge me even if I’m having a blonde moment. You’ve loved me more than I knew I could be loved. Every day I think about how much you care for me and I’m just amazed that I have someone in my life like you that does love me as much as you do. We fight, and you drive me crazy sometimes, but I feel like that just makes our relationship stronger. I love how safe I feel when you are with me. You seem to make all my worries about life go away because I know we will be living it together. I love how you look at me in that way that lets me know you love me too. I love how you can make me laugh when I’m mad or sad. You work so hard for our family and you always find a way to make my dreams come true.  You make me realize what’s important in life.  For the first time in my life everything seems to falling in place and it’s all because of you; the love of my life.  And most importantly you’ve given me the most precious thing in my life, our daughter Kadee. I love our daughter more than I even knew could be possible, and I love you even more for blessing me with her.

Jason I promise to always love you. I promise to always be that shoulder for you to cry on. I promise I will follow you and stand by you wherever God leads you.  I promise to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be. I promise to be a Godly woman and to help raise our children with those same beliefs. I promise to give you that extra push when you need it. And I promise to support anything you ever want to do in life…….that isn’t too dangerous.  
                I love you and I’m so excited to make our little family official and continue to live and love with you and Kadee. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic November 2011 Siggy Challenge This is a really old picture from when we first started dating. Wedding Countdown Ticker image Follow Me on Pinterest

Re: Vows 3rd draft....opinions please (xp)

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