with 70 some days left until the wedding I've been trying to get anything and everything I can DONE and just out of the way leaving me with less to worry about as the day get closer. I think I'm good with the vows but just wanted a few more opinions.
keep in mine we are a very "non-traditional" or some may say "offbeat" couple and are making sure to do things the way we want not nessicarly the way they are "suppose to be done."
Today, at this time and in this moment I pledge my life and love to you.
Everyone has their own ideas as to what a soul mate is. Most people seem to think a soul mate is your perfect fit. But to me a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so YOU can change your life, not be changed. You’re my mirror when I feel lost, you help me find my way. You’re able to ground my random thoughts and erratic emotions and help put all my pieces back together when I've given up.
Spending these past few years with you has opened a place in my heart that I thought I had lost along the way. You have shown me that wanting the best of both worlds is possible when two people want and need the same things. Our growth as individuals and as a couple has helped to strengthen our love beyond measure.
When I think about the future I don’t see just my future I see our future. You right there by my side every step of the way. I can see you holding our child for the first time and know that they will feel just as safe as I feel whenever I’m in your arms. Seeing a future that looks so bright lets me know that you are the light that surrounds my darkest moments and saves me from my own doubt!
Now, I can’t promise you an empty sink or a spotless floor all the time but I can promise to love you to infinity and beyond! And just so we’re clear, I will NEVER be an Eagles fan but I will always be YOUR biggest fan!
We have an old fashion kind of love with a ROCK-STAR edge! Your the best of both of my worlds. And as long as we have each other we never have to go to Applebee’'s alone.
Not death nor Zombies will break the bond we have built over the years and the bond we will continue to build on for years to come! Your the guy I wanna grow old with and years down the road We’ll look back at this moment we’re in and say to each other “I thought I loved you then!”
So, If you will have me and keep me I offer you everything I am and all that I have.
(whisper in his ear) P.S I love You!
What do ya think???? too wordy? too long? PERFECT, too funny, too sappy? not sappy enough... or just tell me i'm crazy and to shush up!