Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Bridal entrance song

Hi all,

My fiance recently stated he thought our guests would not know I was coming into the ceremony unless the heard "Here Comes the Bride".  I personally think that is just too predictable.

Here are my thoughts:

Nusseun Dorma-as sung by Paul Potts


Whenever,Wherever Whatever-by Maxwell

When I fall in Love-Celeine Dion
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Re: Bridal entrance song

  • benmel31benmel31 member
    edited December 2011
    I'll be honest, I am not familiar, at least off the top of my head, with any of those choices.  That being said, if you favor one, go for it!  Its your day.  Just so you know, I am not walking in to "here comes the bride" either.  I am using Pachabel's cannon in D.
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  • edited December 2011
    Yes, the bridal chorus, as well as wedding march are both pretty typical, predictable & sometimes boring.  However as far as your fiancee being worried about the guests knowing it's your entrance time, it's the mothers' job to stand & lead the other guests in standing to indicate your entrance.  They should be able to recognize the bridal party is all present, they've lit the candles (if you're doing that) and everything is ready for YOU to enter.  The guests will notice the mothers & grandparents standing & follow suit.  Also, I'd start the processional (meaning nobody enters, even officiant & GM & FI until about 4-6 minutes after the scheduled start time, so that any late guests can get into the ceremony area.  I might be wrong, in some peoples' eyes, but that's how I plan to do it, and have often seen it done.

    I only recognized the celine dion song by name, but neither of the other two.  However, I've listened to them all now. :) Noussen Dorma is just absolutely amazing & I think would work well for your processional, as long as it's a more formal wedding. And I do know the song, just didn't recognize the title.

    Also, the Maxwell song, and celine dion are also very nice, with appropriate lyrics, beautiful music & vocals. 

    I like them all & don't know that I'd be able to decide between them.  You've got a tough job ahead of you.  Would either your's or FI's parents have input? since it's such a huge moment of both of your lives' & special to parents, maybe one of these songs, or another has significant meaning for them & they'd appreciate your consideration, unless you're absolutely set upon one of these three. 

    Again, they're all beautiful & appropriate, in my opinion. :)
    When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things must happen: There will be something solid for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly. -Patrick Overton
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks so much for your kind words.  I am trying to keep things classy. I also think it will be a challenge finding an opera singer with a voice similar to Paul Potts.  IPods scare me at weddings which is why I would prefer someone live to sing.  You would need to have someone controlling the music and if by chance they press the wrong button...disaster! 

    I will figure this out but I am glad to know I am on the "right track" with my song selections.
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