Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Father/Daughter Dance dilemma

I'm trying to find a song that would suit my relationship with my father.  I love the man because he is my father, but I don't feel that strong connection becaue he wasn't around a lot when I was little.  My mom and dad divorced when I was 3 so I really don't have to many memories of him when I was younger. 

While I was a teenager and on into my mid-twenties my relationship with him is still strained.  All the songs I have heard so far talk about all the "fatherly" things the dad does and that just isn't the truth for my situation.  I want a song that says that we love each other but really doesn't mention all the "duties" that he didn't do.  Can anyone help or make a suggestion?

Re: Father/Daughter Dance dilemma

  • edited December 2011
    You could go with something like "What a Wonderful World," or "Somewhere over the Rainbow," that everyone knows and is celebratory but doesn't mention the relationship at all.  Even "The Way You Look Tonight," is a safe pick that works well for father/daughter.

    Are you close enough with him to know what some of his favorite bands are?  If not maybe ask him, and then look through their catalog for something appropriate.

    I would go for something updbeat and celebratory more than specific to a relationship.

    I've seen "My Cherie Amour" as a mother/son song, and that could work too.

    What kind of music do you like?
  • edited December 2011
    I am considering Tennessee Waltz for mine, which is about losing your "darlin" to a new love.  I like the ambiguity of it.

    I was dancin' with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz
    When a good friend I happened to see
    They were dancin' and conversin'
    And while it was playing
    My friend stole my sweetheart from me.

    I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz
    Now I know just how much I have lost
    Yes, I lost my little darlin' the night they were playing
    The beautiful Tennessee Waltz.
  • edited December 2011
    I loved her first by heartland. it maily talkes about when you were first born
  • edited December 2011

    OP I'm in the same situation as you are.  My dad and I just started talking again after about 15 years.  I told him that I wanted him to pick a song for our father/daughter dance. 
    I agree with Stormes also, I was actually thinking of Somewhere over the Rainbow as one of our choices.  My dad hasn't told me what any of his choices are yet.

    Good Luck!

  • Jamryle210Jamryle210 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I am having the same problem. Only my step dad is walking me and dancing with me. But I am going to pick another to dance with my father.
  • kissamarykissamary member
    edited December 2011
    i plan on dancing with my dad to still fighting it by ben folds.  it's a quirky song (techinally about a son, but whatevs) that talks about getting fast food and some beers in the future.  we aren't lovey dovey, so it works.  It might be too long, though, so I have johny cash's you are my sunshine as a backup.  I've got to come up with one for my stepdad too... ugh
  • edited December 2011
    I don't even know if my father is going to bother showing up... So I guess we'll see what happens when I get the RSVP back...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the advice.  This opens new doors for me as far as the dance goes!
  • jenneymariejenneymarie member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    same problem. im actually considering having my brothers cut in since i feel like they had a bigger hand in raising me.

    but to answer the question, im thinking "in my life" by the beatles
  • kissamarykissamary member
    edited December 2011

    Johnny Cash also did In My Life, and it is beautiful!  I strongly dislike the beatles, but I love that song.

  • edited December 2011
    My dad and I are the same way sort of. We're dancing to Muse - Blackout
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