Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Mother daughter dance?

My Father Passed away almost a year ago, and im getting married. but my mother is walking me down the isle and i dont know any good songs to where they talk about mother and daughters... I NEED HELP!!

Re: Mother daughter dance?

  • edited December 2011
    How about you are the wind beneath my wings? Thats usually a popular choice :)

    Kate at TheWeddingSecret x
  • Heatherlee718Heatherlee718 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I am in the same situation, my father passed away, and my mom is walking me down the aisle.  We are going to do a "mother/daughter" dance at the reception.  The song we are going to use is "I hope you Dance" by Leanne Womack.  I like the lyrics in it "if you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"  It feels fitting because, you can easily not do any dance just bcause your dad is not there, but instead-Dance! Its a special thing you can share with your mom in your dad's honor.
  • edited December 2011
    there is a post on this very same page about the same thing. 
    the main question is:  did you ask your mom first?  does she have a song in mind?  if not, are you looking for something classic?  or something on the newer side?
  • toastie63toastie63 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    i have already asked my mom and we havent had to do this in my family yet...i will be the im new to the whole wedding planning thing....i like the i hope you dance! but i was just getting ideas
  • BrooklclarkBrooklclark member
    edited December 2011

    My mother was very sick at the begging of this year (she has gotten better) but she asked me to play the song “I hope you dance” at my wedding if she wasn’t there. Thankfully she will be there and both her and my father will walk me down the aisle. This some is a lovely song and it would be great for such a dance.   

  • edited December 2011
    yeesh im in the same situation...we should band together and write one lol
    my problem is..i dont want anything stereotypical and i dont really want country. Does anyone have any suggestions for any uptempo songs? Dont wanna slow dance with mama! lol
  • edited December 2011
    You could go with the traditional choices, "The Way You Look Tonight", or "Isn't She Lovely"

    "I Hope You Dance" is a great choice as well,

    also, there is a new song by Carrie Underwood called "Mama's Song"... and it's a wedding song, it's really beautiful  (Yeah it's country lol)

    Callie...Up tempo.... "Wouldn't it be nice" by the Beach Boys... "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"...that could be a fun one?

  • rikachikarikachika member
    edited December 2011
    I have the same prob so whil my F does his dance with his mom I'll dance with mine - we chose the prayer by Celine Diona nd Andres Botcchelli.
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