Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Bouquet and garter toss replacement ideas

Because my FI and I are in our mid-thirties, we  have little to no single people coming to our wedding.  But instead many young parents and therefore roughly 20 kids.  So instead of singling out a couple of the singles via the bouquet and garter toss, I'd actually like to do something fun for the kids.  One idea was to throw a teddy bear for the girls, but I need advice on what we could throw for the younger boys.  If you have any ideas on what we could throw, I'd love to hear them.  Thanks!

Re: Bouquet and garter toss replacement ideas

  • mysticlmysticl member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary First Answer
    edited December 2011
    One of my friends did this.  It was a bride teddy bear for the girls and a soft (like nerf)  football for the boys.
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  • edited December 2011
    It's not a bad idea but seeing how some women are bad sports about not catching the bouquet, I'd be worried about the other children having hurt feelings because they didn't catch the teddy bear/foot ball. I work at a daycare so I know what it's like when one child gets something and the rest of them don't. You might want to have smaller things for the children who didn't catch it. Just an idea.
  • trix1223trix1223 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I agree with aleighk.  This is one of those ideas that sounds better on paper than it does IRL.  I'd just skip the tosses altogether.  No one will really miss them.  But the sound of little children expressing their "disappointment" when they don't get the teddy bear or nerf football will probably not be the sound you were hoping for at your wedding.  Sorry.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • lilianne22lilianne22 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with Trix, skip the tosses.  If you want to do something for the kids just have coloring books, bubbles, a candy goodie bag or something else they can have to entertain themselves with during the reception. 
  • mleeanne04mleeanne04 member
    edited December 2011
    Not sure what to do about the garter toss but in Texas, there is a tradition grabbing hold called the Bouquet dance.  A special song is played and all married couples are asked to join the wedding couple on the dance floor.  The emcee then announces for couple married 4 or less years to step off of the dance floor.  After about 30 seconds or so then the # of years goes up (10 or less years, then 15 or less, then 20 or less etc.) So that the couple who has been married the longest will get the bouquet.  I think it's a nice tribute to older couples. 

  • tpender13tpender13 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:29Discussion:3c7e2f4a-3ac2-44ea-bcd3-e94cf56ff14aPost:41c18f42-3c37-4a7d-b414-099dcb711b69">Re: Bouquet and garter toss replacement ideas</a>:
    [QUOTE]Not sure what to do about the garter toss but in Texas, there is a tradition grabbing hold called the Bouquet dance.  A special song is played and all married couples are asked to join the wedding couple on the dance floor.  The emcee then announces for couple married 4 or less years to step off of the dance floor.  After about 30 seconds or so then the # of years goes up (10 or less years, then 15 or less, then 20 or less etc.) So that the couple who has been married the longest will get the bouquet.  I think it's a nice tribute to older couples. 
    Posted by mleeanne04[/QUOTE]

    I've usually heard this called an Anniversary Dance. This is exactly what I was going to suggest.
  • susana104susana104 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    My husband and I were also older and most of our friends were already married.  We invited everyone - married or single, young or old -- to participate.  Both of us tossed rubber chickens and gave the chickens - and prizes to the winners.  The crowd loved it.
  • edited December 2011
    I was planning on skipping the garter and giving the bouquet to the couple in attendance who's been married the longest.  

    If you really want to do something for the kids, I liked the bear/ball idea, but you might be able to go to the party favor aisle of a department store and get a pack of 12 little toys for fairly cheap and give one to each kid. 
  • edited December 2011
    We are skipping the garter and bouquet toss as well for the same reasons - in it's place we are having a pinata for the kids to break open after dinner before the dancing starts - we are hoping they will have a lot of fun with it. 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:29Discussion:3c7e2f4a-3ac2-44ea-bcd3-e94cf56ff14aPost:079ffbdb-cc5c-4ae0-b2a2-83b245fe7596">Re: Bouquet and garter toss replacement ideas</a>:
    [QUOTE]My husband and I were also older and most of our friends were already married.  We invited everyone - married or single, young or old -- to participate.  Both of us tossed rubber chickens and gave the chickens - and prizes to the winners.  The crowd loved it.
    Posted by susana104[/QUOTE]

    This is what we're doing, but we're still using a toss bouquet and garter. The winners will get the bouquet or garter, and a little gift (small bath & body works set and a lotto ticket for the girl, a funny little chia-pet and a lotto ticket for the guy).

    I was also going to suggest the Anniversary Dance.
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