Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

First dance curiosity

My FI and I are going to dance to "Amazed" by Lonestar. I was a little concerned at first because it is a VERY overused first dance song, however the reason for the choice outweighed that fact. The night he proposed we were on a cruise ship at a karaoke competition and he dedicated that song to me just before he proposed.

I was just wondering how everybody else chose their song. Was it something that was already special to you and was "your" song? Did you decided together during wedding planning?

Thought it might lead to some interesting stories. =)
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Re: First dance curiosity

  • emilypeachemilypeach member
    edited December 2011
    we're still working on our first dance song choice. we have "our" song by our favorite band which is Crazy Love by Pepper but its not really a dance type song so we go back and forth between 'who cares we're doing it anyway' and 'nah lets pick another since we're both kind of traditional and shy'. what to do what to do... any thoughts..

    and super cute and i love it that you're using the song from your proposal :)

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  • benmel31benmel31 member
    edited December 2011
    I think we are going to use Love Story by Taylor Swift.  It is also overplayed, but it is sentimental to us.  When we were secretly planning our wedding (just for a few weeks before the rings came in, when only our parents knew), this song came on all the time and we always started singing it and then getting a little teary towards the end.  Corny, but true.  I tried to get my FI to choose another song, but he keeps going back to Love Story.
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  • edited December 2011
    Most of the songs that really mean a lot to us have awful lyrics, so there's no way that we can dance to one of those. So we're choosing "Kissing In Cars" by Pierce The Veil because it's really fitting and we love that band.
  • Jenn AnneJenn Anne member
    edited December 2011
    Our first song is actually from the movie Moulin Rouge. We chose it becuase one of the first times we drove to his home from school I sung it to him in the car, and it was his ring tone for a long time on my phone and we felt it was the perfect song :)
  • squingersquinger member
    edited December 2011
    Our frist dance is I Cross My Heart by George Strait. He is one of our favorit artist. And we were talking about picking our first dance song we were throwing out ideas, FI didnt really care for the first idea I threw out and I didnt care for the first idea he threw out and at the same time we both said what about this one.... ha ha and that was it!
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