Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Thank You For the Wedding March!!

I don't know who found it first but I've seen it on at least three threads.  It's the wedding march, only much more beautiful, and not absolutely fall asleep boring.  I'm definitelly using it at my wedding and just wanted to send a shout out to everyone and anyone who found it!  Thank you!!

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I'm married!! As of May 1st, 2011. :)

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Re: Thank You For the Wedding March!!

  • edited December 2011
    Are you just playing it over the speaker system at your ceremony location from a cd/ipod? Or are you hiring a pianist, etc to play it live?
    I would love to use it too, but not sure what's the best way to go about it.

  • edited December 2011
    I SO want to use this! I'm having a pianist play it but i'm not sure how it will sound with just piano. I've tried to find it somewhere else online to hear it that way but having no luck.

    Are you playing it ipod or what?
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