Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Where do I find...

Where do I find videos of wedding that have non traditional ceremony music?
We are trying to figure out what type of music to have for our ceremony. My FI has already given his feelings on traditional classical music  - doesn't like it...
I'm fine with using something non-traditional. So I was thinking of instrumental rock music - strings and such or contemporary music selections like u2, Foo Fighters or whatever, etc....
He would like to see a wedding or weddings that have used contemporary music in there ceremony. I am talking about the processional, bride entrance, recessional. 
Do you have any ideas? I am tired of searching YouTube for the past few days and have decided to enlist help from my knotties. 

Re: Where do I find...

  • edited December 2011
    Hmm... I would have said YouTube.  What search terms have you been using over there?  Maybe you can try searching videographers' websites.  Or maybe try searching for "wedding and Vitamin String Quartet" on YouTube.  VSQ does good strings covers of contemporary songs.

  • edited December 2011
    I have been searching:

    wedding ceremony
    wedding processional
    wedding processional music
    wedding ceremony music
    wedding ceremony entrance

    and all these search terms so far have given me video clips where they use traditional or  instumental music. My fi wants to actually see a wedding were they used something other than classical or  insrtumental.
    I have searched and have found all types of songs to use in the ceremony, but again he says he just can't see my vision....

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