Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Father Daughter Song from A Musical

My dad and i have a wonderful shared love of music and theater...i just can't think of, or remember a good song from a musical appropriate for a father daughter dance.  Any suggestions?

Re: Father Daughter Song from A Musical

  • edited December 2011
    Sunrise sunset from Fiddler on the Roof is beautiful.
  • angiems97angiems97 member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    That's awesome you guys both love music and theater.  I can't think of anything off the top of my head......if I do I will post again!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    "I Could Have Danced All Night" from My Fair Lady is a little up beat but might be cute :)

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  • trix1223trix1223 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Somewhere over the Rainbow~Wizard of Oz
    Thank Heaven for Little Girls~Gigi
    Seasons of Love-Rent
    On a Wonderful Day like today~Roar of the greasepaint
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • spenet1spenet1 member
    edited December 2011
    I Have Dreamed, from King and I is one of my favorites. Also Not While I'm Around from Sweeny Todd might work... good luck! Let us know what you decide!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    White Knot
  • edited December 2011
    I was considering (still am, really...) "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof. It's beautiful and my father and I really connected over that movie. But it's a sob-inducer. Just a warning! Very deep and meaningful, but I sob like a baby every time I hear it! :')

    "I Could Have Danced All Night" is a very sweet idea and depending on your style, that could work really well! :)

    -Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks...great songs...I have some listening to do, and i'll let you know what i choose!
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