I will try to make this as short as possible - but I'm having a hard time with this...
I have NO idea what to do for our special dances - first dance, etc..
I'm planning on having my Fiance's dad walk me down the aisle, as he has been the person in my life who has been most like a dad to me than anyone else. My brother may be on leave from Afghanistan at that time too - so if he is able to make it I'll have fiance's dad walk me half way down the aisle and my brother walk me the other half.
Therefore, I want to have a special dance with my brother if he's home - but I have no idea on what songs would be good for it. He's 9 years older than me and the one I'm closest to in my family although we don't get the opportunity to speak much because he's in the army. He's always been my protector and I know he would do anything for me.
Also, my fiance lost his sister to cancer almost a year and a half ago so this wedding will be even more emotional. This is part of my reason for asking him to walk me down the aisle, I want to give him the opportunity as he had to give his up when she went to be with the Lord. I want to give him a father/daughter dance too - but am also not sure what would be good. I want something sweet, but not too sappy - i want it to be fun so it doesn't make him too sad. I have looked for HOURS and hours and hours at songs and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere.
We also need a first dance song. I'm leaning towards Everything by Michael Buble - but we also like You and Me by Dave Matthews Band and Greatest Story by Oliver James. But at the same time, I kind of want to incorporate our theme (it's a Princess wedding) into it - i think it'll be cute.
Help please!