Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Brothers/Sister dance

Our father passed away 16 years ago, but I would still like to dance a father/daughter since I have two great brothers who have helped my mom raise me since I was 5. I was wondering if there are any suggestions for songs that would go well for our situation. I would prefer it in spanish, but i'm still open to any ideas

Re: Brothers/Sister dance

  • edited December 2011
    I don't know any Spanish songs, but my suggestion would be something upbeat and fun.  That way you guys can just have a good time instead of an awkward slow dance type thing.
  • djvincedjvince member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Josh Groban's "You raise me up" would be my recommendation. While it is a slower song, it's meaning is extremely powerful and is most appropriate for your dance :) Hope this helps!
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