Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

No room for a DJ!

HELP!  I am getting married in a fairly small reception hall in Central Pennsylvania.  The hall only holds 120 people, so we're probably going to be a max capacity.  Because of this, there is no room for a DJ!   I feel that it would be awkward to have no background music, but I also don't have speakers and my laptop cannot handle the amount of music that would be necessary.  Does anyone have suggestions about how to get music into the room? 
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: No room for a DJ!

  • CynikettECynikettE member
    edited December 2011
    You can look into renting the sound equipment from DJs.

    I found this DJ off of Craigslist (I'm also from central PA!) and he rents out sound equipment so you can have your own iPod reception.
  • edited December 2011
    Is there a dance floor and do you expect people to dance? If not, professional speakers in a small room may be overkill. If yes, rent equipment like pp said, or find a DJ with a small setup. My DJ is also doing my ceremony music and bringing a much smaller setup for that portion.
  • edited December 2011
    Another way to find sound equipment would be going to your local music store, I'm not sure if big stores like Guitar Center normally rent out PA systems, but I know that little "ma and pop" stores often have PA rentals. I've even heard of people renting (or borrowing) PA's from colleges and churches. You might need someone to help you hook up the sound system though, but hopefully whoever you rent from will help you out or explain the process.

    I know a lot about PA's because my fiance owns one since he used to set up small concerts, and I know a lot of other people who have set up small concerts and found good alternative's to using my fiance's sound system when we couldn't loan it out.

    So you should be able to figure something out! I hope that helps!
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