Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

JumpStreet Band Music Reviews

Hi, we found this band JumpStreet through East Coast Entertainment which was recommended through the Knot.
We're looking for a band with a Motown feel but also that can incorporate and sing some more recent songs.

Based on their demo video they are exactly what we want.  The problem is, we can't go see them in person!   A bride (understandably) would prefer not to have outsiders see them play at her wedding.  Then they are leaving the country on tour for quite some time. 

Getting a good band is a priority.  We've got 3/4 year until our wedding.  We don't want to lose a good band and be srambling before the wedding.

What should we do?

If you have had this band play or know about them give me a heads up.

here is their website:

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