Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

I need some suggestions...

O.k. so here's the deal...
I am very close to my grandfather, he has been very much like a father to me, however, I will be splitting a father/daughter dance between my dad and step-dad. I am planning to dance with my grandfather, I need some suggestions for songs that we could dance to. He is very excited about the idea of having a dance with me on my wedding day!

Re: I need some suggestions...

  • IvorySquirrelIvorySquirrel member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    First of all - what kind of dancing do you want to do and what kind of music do you like? Do you want a slow dance or can your grandpa bust a move and do a little swing? Do you like country, old classics, or do you want something modern and well-known? Also, ask your DJ! If you can narrow down what kind of song, I would think a good DJ could help out. I utilize the expertise of my hubby-to-be - do you have a friend who knows a lot about a wide variety of music? It's hard to help without knowing what you're thinking. Maybe your grandpa knows the perfect song -something he and your grandma used to dance to. You never all depends on what you're looking for.
  • tpender13tpender13 member
    edited December 2011
    "What A Wonderful World" by Louie Armstrong? Lots of grandparents like waltzy stuff, so maybe "Tennessee Waltz" there are a lot of different artists who have sung it.
  • ultravoxultravox member
    edited December 2011
    I don't know how old your grandpa is, but consider looking at songs from the 1940s like "Moonglow" and "I'll be Seeing You."
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