Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

What will you do with the down time between after-ceremony pics and the reception?

Re: What will you do with the down time between after-ceremony pics and the reception?

  • vexievexie member
    I didn't vote because we went directly from the ceremony to the cocktail hour (well.. was more like cocktail hour and a half :) ) then to the reception.  We had most of our pictures taken before the ceremony so we only needed the family shots and a few more of hubby and I. We got to join in the last 30 minutes of the cocktail party and then start the festivities :)

    How much time do you have between the ceremony and reception? Where will your guests be during that time?  You'll find that most brides on here are very anti-lag time for the guests... it's rude and boring for them.
    84image 73image 11image Wedding date: June 11, 2011 :)
  • In the etiquette books I read, the wedding party arrives at the reception site first and the receiving line is there. Photos are taken before the ceremony or during the reception. My books are admittedly old. I have no idea when "the rules" changed. Before the '90s, I know, because OP's timeline is what's in my photography guide from around '92.

    Anyway, I therefore consider missing any of my reception being late, even though that's my plan. So, I voted for showing up "early," as in most, but not all the way, through the cocktail/hors douvers "hour."
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