Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Videographer Yay or Nay?

It's kind of a family tradition that either my uncle or dad videotapes the wedding ceremony. Obviously it would be my uncle, but just curious what peoples' thoughts are on having a professional videographer. I've been looking at the budget tool and I'm currently leaning towards just putting videographer money towards a great photographer. Opinions?
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Re: Videographer Yay or Nay?

  • I would just advise that you have video of at least your ceremony, even if it's your uncle.  I didn't have video and it is my one regret.  If you can find room for a professional, even better.  Maybe compromise and have a pro for the ceremony and just have your uncle do the reception.

  • I'm so glad I have a video of the whole day. There's so much I've already forgotten. I highly recommend if you have room in your budget to hire a pro, but at least yes have your uncle video tape it. 
  • YAY!!! We weren't going to have one at first because of the cost. We are SO happy we decided to suck it up and do it! There are a ton of things you miss during the day because youre in the center of it all. I too forgot more from the day than I remembered, it honestly flies by and is over with before you have a chance to soak it all in! I HIGHLY suggest getting a videographer, you won't regret it! Our wedding highlights: Good luck!
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