My fiance and I just started thinking about engagement photos. I have a photographer that will do the session, retouching, one framed 11x14 for us + 4 8x10 photos to send to the grandparents and parents + enough to send in the wedding announcements for all for $300, plus a complete 25% discount on our wedding if we ask her to do it! I love how she edits her photos and I really love her style of photography. The moment I saw her pictures and knew she was affordable, I decided she was perfect for what I wanted. I pitched it to my fiance and his comeback was "my dad will do it for free, that's too expensive". His dad is just a guy with a Canon, and after his recent shoulder surgery, one who can't hold a camera steady. Now, I love my future father-in-law, don't get me wrong, but I really want our engagement and wedding photos done by the professional photographer. We have TONS of friends who are going to pitch in for the wedding (our cake, food, and venue will all be free, bless their hearts!). Is it right for me to want to "splurge" on $300 engagement photos? We have plenty saved away for the wedding, and I even picked a cheap ring set and dress. Is it fair for him to not let me have my dream photographer? If so, what should I say? If not, why?