Hi ladies,
So I have a kind of different story. My fiance and I have been engaged since Nov 08, and our wedding is 5/29/10.
A big reason for this is that at the time, my 1 and only sister was in China when we got engaged and we knew she wouldn't be home until this Sept. Knowing she was going to be my MOH, I wanted her to have the opportunity to be as involved in the planning as possible (she's 28 and has never been in a wedding).
So, my sister is home but she lives in Chicago and we live in Phoenix. She is planning a bridal shower for me there. My best friend here and another bridesmaid have now both asked me to "choose"...do I want them to throw us a couples shower or an engagement party here in Phoenix?
I feel really uncomfortable telling them what to do...I just wish they'd say, hey we're doing _______ for you and I'd be happy with whatever. But they keep leaving it up to me.
I personally feel like engagement parties typically happen when you get engaged, and seeing as we've been engaged for over a year wouldn't some people think it's silly? But then I feel like it's greedy to ask for a shower when my sister is having one in Chicago...
Sorry this is so long! What would you do?