Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Has anyone ever heard of a place in one of the local malls where you can make your own invitations?

I think I remember reading this somewhere on the board where there is a place in one of the local malls where you can make your own invitations. Has anyone heard of this? know what the place is called? and which mall?

Stacie and Dennis
Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Has anyone ever heard of a place in one of the local malls where you can make your own invitations?

  • edited December 2011
    I know there's a Paper Source store in Northpark mall that has tons of different sized paper in tons of colors. A few knotties have gotten the paper for their invites from there. I'm not sure if they print your design on them though.
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  • juliebug1997juliebug1997 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I bought some invitations from Papyrus.  They were cheaper than I thought they'd be.  I got mine from the store in Southlake but there is a store at North Park too.
  • edited December 2011
    Love me some Paper Source! It's a little overwhelming the first time you go. But it's awesome! ETA: Paper Source will design your invites for you. But it's expensive. I think the store is mainly for people who want to DIY. And the only one of I know around here is Northpark mall.
  • edited December 2011
    I got all of the seperate pieces from paper source yesterday! (if you order in bulk online you can save 30%). Since FedEx kinkos can't always print on the smaller cards, I am taking them to minute man press (they have several locations) to have them printed. They will also help you design yours or pick out a template they have already for a lot less. Also check tickledpink.com I just order some party invites from there and they had very nice invitations too! Good Luck!
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