A girl from the month before me posted this on the March board today - things to remember. It made me smile.
Here are my top 10 (in random order):
#1: Don't stress. I know that sounds generic and overrated, but it's so easy to do!. And you know what? It will be a headache not worth having. I was so concerned about my hall, the decor, the bridal party being together, coordinating at the ceremony........and when it came down to it, i was so far removed from everything and so busy i didn't even have time to make sure it was all 'perfect'. You can't control what will happen, and people go into 'do it for you' mode, so just know you'll be taken care of.
#2: Make time for yourself the week of. I can't tell you how busy I was. Last minute appointments, things to pick up, blah blah blah. People call you nonstop. They monopolize your time. It's buh-nan-as. So remember to get away. Grab a cofee and unwind.
#3: Don't forget your shoes. How can you forget that?, you're probably wondering. By 'shoes' I mean the shoes you'll be wearing the next day. Our entire wedding party and my hubby and I spent the night at the hotel only to wake up and realize we forgot shoes to wear the next day!
#4: Soak up the day. Let me say it again: Soak up the day. From waking to sleeping, make sure you put every memory away into the bank. Don't distract yourself from what's going on in front of you. Essentially, sit back and let the day happen. Put on your happy face, let any mishaps roll off your shoulders and absorb the joy like a sponge.
#5: Look at your soon to be spouse as you walk down the aisle! You'll see so many faces, hear so many delightful whispers and so much quiet commotion that it's easy to connect with all the eyes that are locked on you. But look ahead and catch the eye of your FI, it's priceless that look. Just priceless.
#6: Get your stuff together ahead of time(hair piece, jewelry, purses, undergarments, veil, shoes, etc). Put them in one easy to grab spot. Designate one person to keep track of your stuff all day........you won't be able to with all the directions you'll be pulled in. And don't forget a mirror for touch ups!
#7: Ask someone to be on food duty. With all the mayhem, it's easy to forget to eat. One of my bridesmaids actually put a plate together and fed me because my hands were tied holding up my dress as i was getting laced. It was the first moment I had to actually put some food in my mouth. I felt silly and we all laughed about it, but I was so glad she did it for me because otherwise I would have gone without!
#8: Speak up. Now is the time to have a backbone. People will be naturally directing you, voicing opinions, asking things of you that you don't have time for, and you just have to sometimes politely say no. As I was getting dressed and my girls were getting ready, they kept shouting from another room "Where is this? Where is that? Do you have any of this? Have you seen my? Can you grab that?" and if I had tried to run around doing all that for them we never would have left the house. That's only a small example, but don't be afraid to delegate things out and ask for help.
#9: Take help when you can. If someone offers to do something, graciously accept. I cannot tell you how much stress relief I felt for simply having someone pick up a bra for me. It would have only taken me an hour or two, but not having to run out to do it a few days before the wedding was an absolute relief.
#10: Steal a moment with your spouse. Find a spot where it's just the two of you, giggle and say "WE"RE MARRIED!!!" My husband and I were right outside the venue, the snow was falling, and we were jumping up and down with our drinks yelling and hooting and hollering and falling over ourselves with silliness. It's one of the most memorable moments of the night.