Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!

Credit to knottie mkrupar

How about we have a rant about newb behavior:

Newb Myth 1: They have this notion in their mind that we're all here to hold their hands and support them while planning their wedding

Fact 1: If you need support planning you wedding you're doing it wrong. It's a party, a big party, but essentially still a party. We're here to make sure you understand that the day is NOT all about you (general you) and that you have an understanding of how to make your guests comfortable. We also want to make sure you don't look like an idiot in front of your friends and loved ones by committing some serious error.

Newb Myth 2: They think regs are all a bunch of mean old hags that have nothing better to do than pick on new people. And tell us this all the time.

Fact 2: Please reference fact 1 and remember that because a lot of us have been here we've formed friendships and this is a great way to continue those friendships. Sure we could all move on to TN and TB, but this is where we met, this is where we like to keep in contact. If there were no marrieds here who would give you the advice you need? It would be the blind leading the blind.

Newb Myth 3: They think they can come on here and ask regs to validate an obviously bad idea.

Fact 3: If your idea is bad, you will get called out on it. It not only happens in WR threads, but in NWR threads all the time. People aren't afraid to tell you when you're showing your ass.

Newb Myth 4: They think jumping in on a discussion that they have no prior reference to is a great idea because they want to be the great defender of all newbs.

Fact 4: No one around here likes anyone to play "Captain Save-a-Newb" If you have no prior reference to the discussion at hand, lurk, get to know the dynamics, then state your opionion.

Newb Myth 5: Grammar, spelling, and puncuation don't matter because this is a forum and they can be lazy about it.

Fact 5: This is a written forum. The only way you communicate and get your point across is through written form. If you don't use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, it's generally assumed that you are not a very good communicator. You could be the smartest person in the world, but if you choose to type in text speak or lacking in grammar, you will be perceived as less than intelligent.

NEWSFLASH: A majority of regs got flamed when they first started posting. But you know what? They took their lashings, LEARNED from what people were telling them, and then returned with a better attitude.

Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!

  • edited December 2011
    Brilliant, just brilliant.
  • edited December 2011
    Haha.  It's so true.  Lurk first - especially on an international board.
  • bethlovesjimbethlovesjim member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:99eba403-5ab9-4546-9235-57e78d7e7454">Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]. NEWSFLASH: A majority of regs got flamed when they first started posting. But you know what? They took their lashings, LEARNED from what people were telling them, and then returned with a better attitude.
    Posted by bsn1752[/QUOTE]

    Don't lash out at me, but I feel very meh about that post.  Although I understand that this is how the majority of the "regs" feel, I must disagree.  As a member and poster for over a year now, I consider myself a "reg". 
    Considering this is "the knot", unless a knottie is planning a wedding for a very long time, most knotties are "newbs".  To single them out and flame them is to create a culture defiant of the mission of the website and community.
    This is my own personal opinion.
    first camping trip engagement
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • bsn1752bsn1752 member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:9ccd352c-ccad-48a7-b28b-e9656a40e9a6">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : Don't lash out at me, but I feel very meh about that post.  Although I understand that this is how the majority of the "regs" feel, I must disagree.  As a member and poster for over a year now, I consider myself a "reg".  Considering this is "the knot", unless a knottie is planning a wedding for a very long time, most knotties are "newbs".  To single them out and flame them is to create a culture defiant of the mission of the website and community. This is my own personal opinion.
    Posted by bethlovesjim[/QUOTE]

    This is more true for international boards, however, I believe that everyone should lurk before posting.  Every board has a different vibe and for someone to come on obliviously and post without figuring out the dynamics of a board -- well, that's just asking for trouble.

    The same holds true in real life as well.  You can't walk into a room, without knowing the group or how they interact and say "YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!" because, lets face it, you'll catch some serious slack.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:80fe881f-b691-46a9-93d7-e25b848fcc5d">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : This is more true for international boards, however, I believe that everyone should lurk before posting.  Every board has a different vibe and for someone to come on obliviously and post without figuring out the dynamics of a board -- well, that's just asking for trouble.<strong> The same holds true in real life as well.  You can't walk into a room, without knowing the group or how they interact and say "YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!" because, lets face it, you'll catch some serious slack.
    </strong>Posted by bsn1752[/QUOTE]


    ...and also, when I was planning my wedding if I had a whackadoodle idea then I wanted Knotties to tell me about it.   The only place I could get real straight-up honesty was here.  

    My Mom and Bridal party were all yes-men.   They "loved" everything because they wanted me to be happy.

    I never considered anything critical said to be an attack on myself or anyone else.
  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    Hahaha! Captain-Save-a-Newb
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:9ccd352c-ccad-48a7-b28b-e9656a40e9a6">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : Don't lash out at me, but I feel very meh about that post.  Although I understand that this is how the majority of the "regs" feel, I must disagree.  As a member and poster for over a year now, I consider myself a "reg".  <strong>Considering this is "the knot", unless a knottie is planning a wedding for a very long time, most knotties are "newbs".</strong>  To single them out and flame them is to create a culture defiant of the mission of the website and community. This is my own personal opinion.
    Posted by bethlovesjim[/QUOTE]

    I don't consider myself a newb, and I'm sure lots of the regular posters here feel the same way.
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  • bsn1752bsn1752 member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:b7bc2e84-e79c-4090-941a-cf8b0d589fec">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : I don't consider myself a newb, and I'm sure lots of the regular posters here feel the same way.
    Posted by TexanTreasure08[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div><------- not a newb

  • bethlovesjimbethlovesjim member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:3a80fd32-11b5-49ab-917d-c8ea9d849579">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hahaha! Captain-Save-a-Newb
    Posted by btweety04[/QUOTE]

    HAHA!  I was just in the mood to give my 2 cents.  I expected change back :)
    first camping trip engagement
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • btweety04btweety04 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:a75e00e0-704a-4c57-9f77-f8c4c90ae2fb">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : HAHA!  I was just in the mood to give my 2 cents.  I expected change back :)
    Posted by bethlovesjim[/QUOTE]

  • bsn1752bsn1752 member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_stolen-chit-chat-regarding-newbs-international-boards-thought-funny?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:b647fc29-2e3e-4e90-b3a2-c0ca7b5dd556Post:b4878c70-c38e-45f3-a8ab-80e96228d6e7">Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stolen from Chit Chat (regarding the newbs on international boards) - thought it was funny! : huh?
    Posted by btweety04[/QUOTE]

    Bahaha... I think she thought you called her Captain Save A Newb...

    Beth - she was just saying how that part was funny.
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