Hi ladiesThis is my first post, but I love reading all of yours so I thought I would vent to sympathetic ears!First off, I have been separated from my 2b ex husband since 10/07. He left me and our children to go live with the tramp he was having an affair with. Since then we have fought over everything humanly imaginable and thus are still not divorced!We are currently on our 4th set of divorce papers. We both signed this set of papers this past April and I thought all was good to go and I was on my way to divorce-land, YAY! In May of this year the sweet guy I have been dating for the last year proposed, since we were both under the impression I was finally divorced!In July when I still had not recieved final copies of my papers I called my lawyer to see why and found out my "ex husbands" shadey lawyer never filed the papers with the courts!!! How is that legal!!!He is such a psycho! We took him back to court this week to do a Motion to Enforce and they showed up without their necessary paperwork (a revised child support worksheet as he was unemployed in April, this was supposed to be taken care of in June) so the Judge could not sign off!! Now I have to pay my lawyer to do the worksheet and file the papers just so I can get this over with!My "ex" is a control freak and for some sick reason is having a field day messing with my life! My wedding date is November 21st, if I have to move the date back because of his bs I just may lose it! Has anyone else had to deal with anything like this?