My fiance has been married already and would like an intimate ceremony but he doesn't mind if we have a big reception. In my family we've always done everything big or moderate so it's hard to figure out what to do in this situation. I've cut down my list but it's still not short enough for a small wedding. I also cut it down for financial reasons. Our latest idea is to have an intimate ceremony with just immediate family members and then invite the rest of our friends and family to a reception later on in the day. We were thinking about rolling the video of the ceremony during cocktail hour but then I'm thinking people are going to get offended because they were invited to the ceremony. Is it rude to only invite a small group to the ceremony? And if you think it's okay, how would I word the invitation to the people just invited to the reception? Another thought is having the ceremony one day and the big party another day? Has anyone done anything like this? It's not the norm and not my first choice but I'm trying to figure out a way to make us both happy. Any advice?