I've looked at the venues listed, I've read through recommendations and I've researched every possible unique location I could stumble upon. I'm having no luck at all.
I really want something affordable, and my definition would be no more than a thousand. My fiancé and I are changing around everything and now we'd like to try and find a venue for a simple yet still beautiful ceremony. I honestly don't see us needing something for more than an hour. We just want a unique place that's comforting and homey. Apparently my needs are too much to ask for.
If anyone has any recommendations that fall within that category I'd love to hear about it.
Our wedding date is February 14, 2012. We'd like to have a close family and friend ceremony of no more than 50 people and the reception would be a picnic at my grandparents house, in the backyard. I'm not looking for a church, that's really my only request I'm sticking to.
Thanks for the help girls!