Up until last night I had four BMs- Fiance's Sister, Sorority Sister #1, Sorority Sister # 2, and work friend. Three nights ago Sorority Sister # 2 completely freaks out about me not going to her engagement party (she's been engaged for a year already), which I told her I would not be attending WEEKS ago due to the fact that four days before it my fiance left for the Peace Corps. She told me I wouldn't know anyone there, that there were "tons of single people" (I'm not single!!!!!), and that no I could not bring a plus one (I would have brought Sorority Sister #1, we all know each other!) . Keep in mind this is also a freaking outdoor barbecue, so it'snot like I'm trying to bring an uninvited guest to a formal event. Since fiance left for Peace Corps, she has been completely nonexistent. She has not answered my phone calls or texts, especially when I have been sad about missing fiance, then she told me I'm completely unsupportive bc I did not go to her party (despite the well in advance notice). She claims this is "when she needed me most and I wasn't there". Well for one, I don't know anyone else who's own relationship is that bad that their ENGAGEMENT PARTY is when they 'need' people? And secondly, she did not care at all when I've been missing fiance. So now we are not friends and she is not in my wedding.
Then last night, I was supposed to have work friend come into town (she lives in Tennessee), and she randomly says shes not sure if she's coming or not, even though she bought plane tickets a month ago. I tell her I need to know because this changes my weekend plans, and she never gets back to me. She then updates her facebook status about all the things she is doing this weekend (in TN), and never told me whethere she was coming or not. If I hadn't been on FB, I would have been at the airport looking for her! So I have not spoken to her since. Red flag for a BM? My mother, fiance, and MOH (sorority sister #1) seem to think so, and I agree.
Has anyone else had bridesmaids from the black lagoon? And how did you hande it?