I don't know what to do about this and am so hurt/ticked off over the whole thing, I am starting to understand why people elope!!! My situation is this, I have already selected my bridal party - two of my sisters, two of my closest friends (one that was my college roommate, the other I worked with for 3 years), and my best friend whom I've known since elementary school as my MOH. I have five and my fiance has five, so as far as numbers go, we are set. Consiering our guest list is only about 100 people, I feel that any more than this is just excessive for our guest count. I even excluded another close friend whom I have also known since elementary school, but ruled out because we are not as close as we once were and I wanted to stay within this number. Recently, my soon-to-be-sister-in-law has begun voicing her dissappointment in not being asked to be in the wedding party. Honestly, the notion never even crossed my mind. From my perspective, she and I are friendly, but by no means close - I've never even hung out with her without the prescence of my fiance. He had never asked me to consider including her and left my selection to me, so I didn't even think about it. For the past several years when I have thought about my bridal party, it has included exactly the people I chose (with the exception of my one friend) and I am happy with that. She has now even gone to the extent of pulling the 'daddy card' by going to my fiance's father and complaining to him about it, so that now my fiance is getting pressure from his father for me to inculde her. She has expressed to their father how hurt she is and that this rejection is a resentment she will carry the rest of her life. And yes, she tends to be a drama queen... I don't know what to do. I am hurt, I am frustrated, I feel like I am being manipulated or bullied at best. At this point, I feel like I will be the one who's resentful for the circumstances of her inclusion if I submit to this but if I don't, I will be obviously be hurting her feelings and setting myself up for resentment from her and possibly their father. Anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this??? HELP!!!