Wedding Party

HELP!!!! Bachelor/ette part crisis

I am the maid of honor in my best friends wedding. The wedding party is trying to put together a bachelor/bachelorette party for the couple, the only problem is that we are all broke... like really broke. We don't want to disappoint them, but we are running into some major financing trouble. I have already financed her bridal shower which took a chunk of change. The bride has now started saying that she is just going to do it herself. I would really like to do something fun, but with all of us barely making rent as it is, what can we do? I know I can count on the crafty and creative crew here. Please list any ideas, games, or advice to make this a great, fun, and supportive experience for them without getting the wedding party evicted from our houses!

Re: HELP!!!! Bachelor/ette part crisis

  • Can you find a couple bf's/husbands willing to be designated drivers? If so, just do a girls' night out and have the guys drive you. You can pre-funk the alcohol (as previously posted, with pooled money). While out, you can do the treasure hunt game, or go to your favorite dance club. To be honest, I just want to go dancing or to a duelling piano bar for my bparty, and neither has to cost buckets. Probably just cover and some alcohol (which you'll need less of if you've already partaken). If you do something at-home, have the other BMs bring over all their best spa/nail care stuff and do a spa night, with margaritas or something. You can do each other's makeup, hair, nails, whatever. Listen to a good music mix and just hang out.
  • Well, if she's going to 'do it herself' then unless she's planning to treat all of you, the bride isn't getting the point.Tell her, "We are going to do this for you.  You have a wedding to plan - the bachelorette is for us to plan for you."PPs have great ideas.  Pool some money and have the ladies over for a wine and cheese party with games.  Play tons of loud music and rock out!  I've been to a 'toy' party as well where I just bought a little something for myself and the bride was able to get something as well.  It wasn't expensive and it was a lot of fun to hang out.
  • Going with the game theme, I think my BMs are having a Wii party for my bachelorette.  It's perfect for me because I love playing and I'm not big into clubs and bars.  A game night may not be for everyone, but it's an inexpensive option.  Add to that pizza and some alcohol and it could be a blast.
  • Sleepovers with silly movies are also pretty free.....popcorn, candies, you can make dinner, etc. We did this for a b party I hosted. We watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and everyone had a great time.
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  • I'd do a combination of what some of the other people have already said... everyone can pool in a couple of bucks.. get some pizza, popcorn and booze and chill. It makes for some great bonding.You can have everyone bring over their own dvd's and have fun...You can play one of the Top Gun drinking games..., really, a few friends and some booze hardly needs planning....
  • We went to Red Robin (mmmm, Sand in my shorts...) and then went to Fort Fun for mini-golf, go-carts, bumper boats, and laser tag. The pass cost $25 for 2 hours unlimited, so we just did mini-golf last to get the most. I paid for myself. It was awesome!
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    Repeat this to your self: My Wedding Party is made of my family and friends and I should treat them as such.
  • First - Do not spend money that you need for rent, food, emergency fund ect. This is not a need of teh bride and groom but a want. Second Cheap and fun can happen.Sounds like you have houses or at least someone has a house. This party is in a home . Bonus is nobody needs to drive.  Ask yourself are they teh fancy type or the wild and crazy type, ect Fun type and you have deck and grill access- burgers hot dogs watermellon , beer , sangria , ice tea. bonfire smores Can be done cheep and be a great time with right crowdClassy type  Everyone brings 1 bottle red or white wine  under $10 and one block cheese. Host also provides lots of crackers and bread You raid peoples wine glasses for enough wine glasses for all. Wine tasting little 1oz pours of each in a row with cheese and crackers and nice bread this is a classy yet great partySlumber party find or rent dvd footloose 16 candles ect make cosmos and bring nail polish and eat popcorn and make brownies. Think 10 year olds slumber party with bonus drinks
  • Four words for you: The Game of Things.A totally innocent party game that gets very, very dirty very, very quickly, especially with the inclusion of alcohol.I'm also a big fan of Apples to Apples.  Both can be picked up for around $20 at Target.
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    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • What is the game of things?  
  • One person per round is designated the reader.  They draw a card and read it.  It'll say something like "Things you shouldn't do on a bus" or "Things you would like to say to the President" or something like that.  Then everyone, including the reader writes down their answer on a slip of paper and tosses it into a cup.  The reader reads all of the answers aloud, and you go around trying to guess who said what (except for the reader, they don't get to make guesses or be guessed).  Points are awarded for correct guesses, and then on the next round someone else is the reader.My friends and I have talked about making a bachelorette party edition, with cards like "things you want to have handy on the wedding night," "things that you hope he doesn't say at the altar," "things you would like to do to your mother-in-law," and so on.  We think it would be great fun.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • The above suggestions are all great - pizza, beer/liquor, movies, and a big ditto for Apples To Apples. Talk to the other participants, decide just how much money you can all chip in - or people could offer their apartment, or to make food, or be the designated driver, if they can't kick in any money - and then decide from there what you can do. The bottom line is that the bachelorette is a gift from you girls to the bride. Because she's your friend and (ideally) you want to do it for her, not because she's entitled to or deserves one. It was really rude of her to say she'd just plan it herself, especially because you girls aren't in a position to spend a lot of money (and ESPECIALLY after giving her a shower on top of that). If she's any kind of friend, she will graciously accept whatever you can offer her, whether it's a weekend in Vegas or a hot dog in a parking lot. If she gets huffy or says it's not good enough, then I'd go out looking for some better friends.
  • I am not sure what your budget entails for the party....but typically EVERYONE present contributes not just the bridal party. Ideas: Backyard bbq, make it a potluck and pool money for beer/alcohol. Play a battle of the sexes. I hope this isn't too young for your crowd, but this can include games, pong, flipcup, survivor flipcup, etc. Tournaments are always fun! Short game of croquet or bocci, (or horse shoes, etc.)Meet at a local bar, and TAKE OVER. You can call the bar beforehand and see if they will offer drink specials and play your list of music. If you ask and give an estimate of your crowd they will be accomodating! Only pool together money for the drinks of the bride/groom.Want to class it up? Wine and Cheese night. Everyone bring a bottle of wine to share, and pool together money for the cheese/appetizers ($10/person) Play games with teams.Whatever you do skip decorations (streamers, banners) those are wasteful money suckers and imo cheesy. Head to a craft store and pick up a bag of tea chandles or borrow some lanterns/tikki torches.
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