Wedding Party

2 weeks before HELP!!!!!!

I have two MOHs and one of them has been pretty much hell over the whole planning process.  I have nicely confronted her over and over and most importantly gave her multiple chances to make up for whatever she did.  It has been all different... from cancelling promises, to insulting my friends and family...  She laughs at me saying its no big deal. She yelled at me yesterday and said very hurtful things that I honestly am devasted about.  I'm so upset I don't know what to do. I don't want anymore negativety in my life and don't need it.   I think this is the end of our friendship but do I end it now before the wedding or suck it up let her stay and wait till after.  She paid for everything already and obviously with 2 weeks left its down to the wire...Please help!

Re: 2 weeks before HELP!!!!!!

  • Whoa whoa whoa...let me get this straight. You confronted a MOH because she didn't help enough with planning? And gave her "multiple chances to make up for whatever she did"? I'm taking that to mean she didn't show up to tie ribbons on something so she could "make it up" by helping you stuff invites. If I'm wrong tell me but that's how it's coming across. Don't change up the WP with 2 weeks to go. I had a terrible MOH whose lack of help was the least of my worries. I don't feel like going into the background but other ladies here know the story and can back me up. I was tempted to kick her out but never did. So glad I didn't! Wedding was perfect despite her bratty behavior and I wouldn't have done anything differently. Now, if her behavior is so bad that you would have ended the friendship anyway, go for it. But if there was no wedding involved, would you still feel the same way?
    Courtesy of megk8oz
    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

    A word of warning from your friends at Remember that text is going to be how you make your first impression over the internet; if every third word you type is misspelled, people will automatically assume that you're a moron.
  • Honestly you should just suck it up and deal with all the drama after the wedding. Don't ask her to do anything for you except to show up for the wedding and stand beside you.
    Ignorance is a poor defense. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • If she hasn't been helping out with the planning as much as you'd like, suck it up and deal with it. That is no reason to fire her as MOH or end the friendship. BUT, if she's said hurtful things to you and/or your loved ones, if what she's done is not wedding-related, if she's done something truly wrong ... then that's a different story. It's not really right to have made her spend all that money when you're just going to boot her two weeks beforehand, but depending on exactly what she did it may be justifiable. Ditto StageManager - please give more information. In that case, we can probably tell you whether you should just deal with it, or whether you're right in kicking her out before your wedding (and whether or not you should reimburse her for her expenses).
  • You don't want anymore negativety  (sic) in your life, so you're going to do the most negative thing you can and kick a friend out of your wedding?  Because she didn't "help enough"?  And she didn't jump at the "multiple chances to make up for whatever she did?"  Well-you just blew the no negativity thing.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • I agree there needs to be more info--I back off my original comment until I know more. But just know that unless this person did something REALLY wrong (i.e. she came on to your FI, insulted a sick relative, etc.) kicking her out of the wedding w/ 2 weeks to go will not reflect well on you.
    Courtesy of megk8oz
    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

    A word of warning from your friends at Remember that text is going to be how you make your first impression over the internet; if every third word you type is misspelled, people will automatically assume that you're a moron.
  • Brooke and Trix, I don't see anything that says that she's considering booting this girl due to lack of help. Are you getting this from another post, or from another board?
  • The "hell over the whole planning process" is what leads me to think that. But again, I back off that comment until she clarifies more. I realize I may have jumped the gun.
    Courtesy of megk8oz
    "I think bablingbrooke is the 13 yr old marring her cousin at the town hall. Lets all give her a big hand. And hope her inbred children can live normal lives." -tabs.

    A word of warning from your friends at Remember that text is going to be how you make your first impression over the internet; if every third word you type is misspelled, people will automatically assume that you're a moron.
  • I want to know what she's done that is so heinous. And, booting her will only increase the negativity in your life.
  • She didn't mention anything about not helping out enough..."It has been all different... from cancelling promises, to insulting my friends and family..." I had a best friend who I've all but ended things with over the past few months, in fact a lot of the drama with her was posted had nothing to do with the wedding whatsoever. She was lying, and being manipulative and just plain hurtful on a regular basis. She let herself out of my wedding party by announcing she was moving and could no longer afford to go...we barely talk now..actually we don't talk at all..we may make a generic facebook comment to one another and I have no desire to change that....I got an easy way out though. Truth is, I would have eventually blown a gasket and kicked her out. It is one thing if your friend cannot help with wedding stuff, something entirely different if this person is just flat out acting like a horrible person, especially when it comes to insulting friends and family, and then laughing in your face because they don't care how it's making you feel. I know I didn't want or need the drama for mine and El's wedding....and you shouldn't have to put up with it either. It sucks that she spent that much money, and it is so close....I don't have any real answers..but I certainly feel your pain.
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