I'm a BM in a wedding and the bride just showed me the shoes she was thinking about having us all wear. Dyeables, which look as though they're about 80 dollars on sale online, and really the bride's style more than most of her BMs that I know. I don't think I could even dye those black and ever want to wear them again. Does the price usually include the cost of dying the shoes too? I didn't even know she was going to make us wear matching shoes until she sent me the link. I thought they were for her, and when I said, "I like, are they your shoes?", she says, "No, yours I think". "Ohh... okay. Sounds good." I don't want to be a PITA bridesmaid, but am I weird for thinking that's slightly ridiculous?! I hope we don't all end up looking like robot clones of each other with the same hair and everything too. ::sigh:: thanks for the vent!