So we picked our party about 9 months ago, wedding is in 4 months. FI picked one of my brothers to be a GM, he's very close with him. He's not close with my other brother.I am close with my brother, probably more close with him then I am my sister (MOH) or brother (GM)...None of the tux's or anything are picked out/ordered yet.I've already told FI that I'd somehow like him to be involved, as I'm really close with him. Would it be weird to ask him to be in the bridal party, and FI's GM, if it was okay with FI? (He wouldn't care either way) or should I find something else for him to do.... which I'm lost on..... I have 6 BM (5 and 1 MOH) and he has 5 GM ( 4 and 1 BM) Thoughts/ideas?