Okay...one of my closest friends is one of my bridesmaids and I feel like I've had issues with her since I asked her to be a bridesmaid. She can be difficult normally in our circle of friends but I guess I expected her to be a little bit more easy going since it is my wedding...here are the issues I've been having:
First, she was mad she was my maid of honor. My sister is my matron of honor. Her husband is my FH's best friend and therefore the bestmand in the wedding and she is upset that she won't get to walk wit him and get to dance with him when the bridal party joins in during the first dance.
Then when I was stressing about finding a venue in the beginning and doing nothing but talking about the wedding right after my engagement because I was so excited, she said "omg, you're still stressing over that, all you do is talk about your wedding. I don't see us being friends by the time this is over." I told her my feelings were really hurt and then stopped talking to her about my wedding.
Now that I am back in full swing of my wedding plans with my FH going back to work after being out hurt for 6 months she seems to want to be involved. I decided that I wanted to narrow the bridesmaid dress selection down to a few for the girls to choose from rather than have 7 girls run through the dress store picking out dresses and never get anywhere because they all liked the one they picked. She wanted to be a part of this process, which I had no issue with, however our schedules did not coincide for this to happen so I went with just my sister/MOH and was mad and basically threatened to drop out of the wedding.
Now she is arguing with my MOH about details for the bridal shower and bachellorette party that they are in the beginning stages of planning. She is sending her emails and arguing with her on the phone. My sister is pretty fed up already and they've barely started planning anything.
There are more things but I just can't put everything here...it would take too long.

I'm really beside myself as to what to do. I don't want to ruin my friendship with her, but I feel like she is making my wedding planning and now the planning that the bridesmaids are doing dificult every step of the way. What do you recommend? Thanks for your advice in adance.