June 2012 Weddings

AW: my dress came in & I got the most wonderful surprise! (PIP)

My dress came in about 6-8 weeks ago and I waited until this past weekend to go try it on because I wanted my BM from 2 hours away to come with and she wasn't free until now.  Back in March when I bought my dress there was this veil at the shop that I really liked but it was $800 and I just could not justify buying it when I only plan on wearing the veil for the ceremony so I didn't purchase it.  I found a similar one on etsy for about $100 and I was planning on ordering it today actually. 

Anyway, when the bridal lady opened my dress up there was a veil tucked inside the dress - she asked me if I ordered one because my info said I hadn't and I said no.  We figured that they probably accidentally put someone else's veil in my bag but the veil matched my dress EXACTLY - it was so strange.  It had the same beading pattern and everything.  So she asked someone to call the designer and ask if they had sent a veil by accident or switched an order.

Apparently, for this one dress the designer had a "precise" idea in mind of what they wanted for the "look" so they included the veil for NO CHARGE. 

And it was almost exactly what I wanted except better.  I was so happy!  Best day ever.

Anyway, here are some pics.  You can't see the veil too well - I was so overwhelmed between trying the dress on & finding out about this veil that we forgot to take a detailed picture of it.

I'm still so pumped about this!

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