So, I talked to my mom on the phone last night and she said the older one of our family dogs became very ill in the last few days and was being held over at the vet last night. She is 14.5 yrs old, which is 2.5 years older than the top life expectancy for her breed, but it's still sad. Lilie (the dog) stopped eating and has been throwing up and has lost two pounds since I saw her at Thanksgiving. Her body temperature was
5 degrees lower than it should have been at the vet yesterday afternoon. The vet said she thought Lilie's organs were shutting down.
They were going to put her on an IV and force feed her if she wouldn't eat.
I'm sorry for all the depressing details, but I'm just so sad. My family got Lilie when I was in 5th grade and she's lived a nice and spoiled life -- so this wasn't completely unexpected. She looked so old when I saw her at Thanksgiving and I was kind of perparing myself in thinking that would be the last time I would get to see her.
FI and I have our own pups at our house now, but it's still sad to lose a family dog. I'm hoping she'll pull through, but it doesn't sound very good for that. I won't hear anything from my mom about Lilie until later today, as she's 2 hours behind me. Sorry for all this, I just didn't know who else to talk to. FI tries to be comforting, but I'm still sad. Ugh, I don't want to go to work today.