African American Weddings


speak on it ladies since tonight was the season finale...


  • edited December 2011
    damn I couldn't see it. I am working :(       Will they be showing it again over the weekend or something?
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I'll start it up so don't be "TARDY FOR THE PARTY"...LOL! nene = that bish is just a s*it starter; 1st she was fake crying in front of her hubby Greg & younger son about wanting him to support her in finally finding her real daddy, then she's telling Lisa about Greg not understanding because he grew up with both his parents - girl please, Greg just want you to be aware of this man saying he's your daddy; then she's bragging to Dwight she choked & hit Kim at the Mall because Kim doesn't want her on the "TARDY FOR THE PARTY" song...girl get over it, it is Kim's song and yeah Kim is being shady about you not being on it but at the end of the day it's still Kim's damn song and you are not gonna help to sell it by "rappin" on it...nene is a bully and needs ssomeone to beat her moose looking a$$...LOL! lisa = is boring; her & Ed knew last year they couldn't afford that house and should have been in another smaller home in the first place when Ed didn't return to the NFL; her stylist was trying to throw shade on sheree's fashion show cuz it was put together 10x better - THE END...your ish looked like someone in middle school put it together and er'body has said so; take notes and do better if you are really trying to push a fashion line. sheree = she realized she was over her head in the production of the show as well as her designs were alittle too simple at first so she should be thanking Dwight er'day for taking over cuz she just shut down and let him run it in the end... dwight = he may get on your nerves with all of his EXTRA-ness but that bish worked the hell out of sheree's show and put it down, IMO...the only thing I think they should have done was group the items based on the season it was for but other than that, I thought it was pretty good to be sheree's first true fashion show...kandi = loved that she hosted a family get together for all the mom's in her family and I was totally moved to see that her mom did reach out to AJ and really express to him that she was not trying to be anti-AJ it's just she wanted what is best for her daughter & grand-daughter; I thought kandi handled nene messy a$$ correctly, nene wasn't trying to be "polite" when she approached kandi and nene must have forgetten kandi was part of the messiest industry of all ENTERTAINMENT so kandi probably knows game when it's coming her way and she totally dismissed nene with that b.s. about kandi needing to apologize to her for the arguement nene started at sheree's party...bish bye!kim = needs some smelling salt and wake up because a man who is legally married cannot marry you fool!...please believe 'Big Poppa' gave her that rock to satisfy her simple a$$ and this stupid hoe is going around telling folks they engaged...again bish bye!!...and yeah kim is wrong for cutting nene out of the re-mixed version of "TARDY FOR THE PARTY" but it is her song and nene needs to get a life and go sit down somewhere and push that boring as book about her life...and I'm through, I'm through (say it like Madea...LOL!)ok now your turn...
  • edited December 2011
    Well, alf, now tell us how you really feel lmao. I'm watching it now. I can NOT tolerate Sheree and Kim. No bueno.
  • edited December 2011
    FMH, girl quit it!...LOL!...but I'm shocked I could type that out cuz I know that show kilt (yes kilt, not killed...LOL!) at least 100000000 brain cells in my head tonight...LMAO @ that!
  • edited December 2011
    Ok, finished. I will say that I think Sheree's clothes were cute (although the seethru blouse lacked class), but definitely not high fashion! There was nothing inspirational about it at all. Kim...lawd. Dude, seriously, if someone choked you out, would you let them back in your house to "talk it out"? Uhhh, no. I have no doubt that they put their hands on each other, but that whole "I'm innocent like a flower" act has Ugh. Nene, now I love nene on tv, but she and I could never ever ever ever ever hang out in real life. She is way too over the top for me. What I need for her to do is let things go man, dag! How you gonna pull Kandi to the side to bring up old stuff??? I thought she was pulling her to the side to say hey, let's start over, but no, this bish wanna bring up old drama. Boo to that! Besides that though, I think she's hilarious and I think Kim's a liar.
  • blue19violetblue19violet member
    edited December 2011
    "moose looking a$$" - LMAO, you know you wrong, but that's some funny shyte right durrr. I could see her on a Canadian traffic sign. I'm right there with you about Kim. That heffa don't got the good sense God gave a moose, lmao. Seriously, how you gonna get to this age and still act like you're mentally 12-years-old???
  • edited December 2011
    Shoot! It comes on too late. I have the same bed time as my 12 year old - 9:00! I catch it on the w/e so I'll reserve comment for a later date. The moose - STFU! Too funny....cuz it's true!
  • edited December 2011
    Alf I don't need to see it because you have laid it out for me quite flat =)  I was soooo behind on this show.  But you know, Bravo is going to show it again and again and again, so I'll have time to catch up.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto......"alfdallas21"Out of them all, Kandi is my fav!! Them other hoes is crazy as hell ~
  • edited December 2011
    Alf pretty much summed it up. All them heffas, sans Kandi have toxic relationships. I would have stopped dealing with Kim a long time ago and would have never dealth with Candy. Where I was really pissed was Lisa "wanna be wealthy azz". She got that good man trying to live out a rich fantasy. You aint selling no houses, no Wu Girlz Jewelry, no closet freak, shyt. If you don't want to live on 9 acres. I'll live with that mofo in that house and be happy. I don't want no big house anyway. Me and Ed will move those boxes out the way and live happily ever after. Me, him, and my new husband. LOL Oh and my dog. I can't stand fronting azz folks.And Sheree your big bushy pony tail was an Epic Fail! And quit damn smiling with your eyes on every picture. You look silly.*Sexual Chocolate...drops mic*
  • trevette1981trevette1981 member
    edited December 2011
    I only watched the first few mins, but Lisa saying she wasn't going to live in the 9acre house because she wants to be wealthy just irked me as usual. What you live in has nothing to do with wealth. A wealthy person wouldn't live in a house they can't afford, a rich person would. All she cares about is money. I really do hate I didn't see the rest, but overall I was dispappointed with this season. It seems like everyone put on a show because people knew who they were. Last season, not many people watched and they weren't in the news, so it wasn't this extreme.
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