African American Weddings


Hey Everyone, I was feeling real down and low the other day and you guys came through like the WU!!!!(LOL) I  just cant stop thinking about the support that I recieved. This group of WOMEN are definately The BOMB... I am now at peace with the situation. Just thinking about the words from my hubby ,  ya'll, and holding on to GOD'S unchanging hands. I now realize that  I am STILL to BLESSED TO BE STRESSED... I am doing a double today at work so it came from my heart through my fingers. Have a Wonderful day......Lots Of Love,       T


  • tamtam7tamtam7 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm mad that we came through like the Wu! LOL!  Well, I'm glad that you are in good spirits.  Stay encouraged.  I know it's tough but you're a strong woman and you will survive!
  • edited December 2011
    I'm glad to hear things worked out well for you. God is good all the time. Have a great day.
  • edited December 2011
    LMAO @ TAM,Yeah girl just like them. I am just finding out somethings in life. This is the only one that I have , also in life we sometimes are our worst critics. T
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    You know this board got your back girl! Glad to hear that we could help you out and relieved to hear that your situation has improved. Enjoy your double! It's my weekend off, I'll be doing 1 next week.
    Lovin Kimmie
  • edited December 2011
    @ Kimmie I know that yall got me  now foreal foreal . The double is almost OVER yay...... I know you are not looking forward to yours. I was mandated urgggghhh.. lolttys,T
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