So, after letting FMIL know who I chose as BM's. She's like oh you didn't put (FI's brother's baby mama in). I said "no!" and I gave her my honest opinion that I don't talk to her that much and that my overall decision was based on ppl that I've known for years. She then proceeded to tell me that "baby mama's" feelings would be hurt that she would not be included in wedding. So, I decided that she could carry our deceased grandparents pictures down the aisle along with one of my family members (because we will be doing a dedication to them), FMIL agreed that this would be okay. However, after a few days FMIL doesn't think she should do it bc she is not a "blood relative" to the family and suggests FI's cousin carry it,,,again I was okay with it and decided to make "baby mama" a reader, and thought everything was solved. It wasn't until recently "baby mama' calls and asks whats the budget for "our dresses and things so I can start saving". At this point, I am totally confused and was thinking to myself "a budget for a reader", and then I thought she was talking about the flower girl dress since her daughter is one. Later I determine FMIL takes it upon herself to make "baby mama" a BM without asking me. Can you say I was HOT! (Fuming from ear to ear) Not to mention, FI thinks this is hysterical and has taken the back seat on this one. So now, bc I am not evil, I have included her into the wedding and FI has added another guy to the groomsmen, but I told my FI he needs to get his mother under control bc this is only the beginning and if its going to be like this, I will no longer play the "nice role". Thanks for letting me vent.