African American Weddings

33 Days out and I'm still venting

So I'll be getting married in 33 days and I still have one groomsmen who hasn't gotten measured or paid on his tux.  Everyone me or my FI text or call he doesn't respond.  And to make it so bad, it's my sisters FI.  We've made the decision not to contact him anymore if we are a guy short, so be it.  One of our groomsmen will just have 2 women on his arm.  UGH, who am I kidding I'm PISSED even though it's not bothering my FI.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 33 Days out and I'm still venting

  • *breathe in, breathe out* Your wedding will be beautiful anyway :) Did you speak with your sister? Mayber her FI changed his mind?
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  • In Response to <a href="">33 Days out and I'm still venting</a>:
    [QUOTE]So I'll be getting married in 33 days and I still have one groomsmen who hasn't gotten measured or paid on his tux.  Everyone me or my FI text or call he doesn't respond.  And to make it so bad, it's my sisters FI.  We've made the decision not to contact him anymore if we are a guy short, so be it.  One of our groomsmen will just have 2 women on his arm.  UGH, who am I kidding I'm PISSED even though it's not bothering my FI.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by MrsJFDixon[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Had the exact same situation. Luckily I have 2 MOH's so I think it will work out just fine. </div><div>
    </div><div>I know it's hard not to let it get to you especially if it doesn't bother fiance but things you have no control over, you just have to let it go. </div>
  • Breath

    your day will be amazing and one monkey wont stop you :) 

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  • Chile I understand. I hope he gets it together
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