African American Weddings

Memorial Candle Help

Ok, I've scratched the whole 6 candles for each individual person thing. Now we will have one candle for everyone. I want Babe and I to both light it when I get to the front. My question is... what do we light it with? Just a regular lighter thingie? That's not cute. lol. And do I have the officiant to say what we're doing? IDK.

Re: Memorial Candle Help

  • edited December 2011
    Most wedding I have been to they use the regular lighter thing, but you can maybe cover some of it with something pretty as long as its not near the flame. I was going to just have it in the program what we were doing, but my mom is trying to include people in the ceremony so her minister friend is doing to say what is happening.
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  • edited December 2011
    It would be nice to say...Mr & Mrs would like to recognize those who gone on and light a candle in. You can also have a little votive lit already and just take your candle and light off that onto the in memory of candle.

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  • edited December 2011
    We're doing a regular lighter thingy. Hey...its better than We would be doing that all day!
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