African American Weddings

7 Days and counting....

Without carbs. I'm a Southern Belle so I'm sure you ladies understand how much I love my starches. Rice, Potatoes, and bread...I love it all. However in an attempt to get myself right before the wedding, I have given them up. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it was, however, I have been missing my pastelitos and cuban coffee in the mornings before work. lol
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Re: 7 Days and counting....

  • This is a great accomplishment! Me being from the deep south, I truly understand how hard it is to give up the starches. Congratulations! 

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  • You have 10months to go.. I'd schedule 2 cheat meals a week.  Stick to only cheating for those meals only and you will still get great results.  I came down >20lbs during the last 6months and its only now that I've stopped with the cheat meals in the last week... Im gonna have one next week for my rehearsal diner actually... so scratch that... haha
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  • coffee has carbs!?!?!??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *thrusts fists at sky*. Good luck Dannitra!
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  • Dannitra01Dannitra01 member
    Sixth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c22f8606-c0af-481a-adb6-5feabbd55ca3Post:b691eb93-cbe3-488b-8bc6-03f6337cd606">Re: 7 Days and counting....</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Im gonna have one next week for my rehearsal diner actually... so scratch that... haha
    </strong>Posted by RealHappyGal[/QUOTE]

    I feel you girl, but my will power is so shaky, that I can't afford to cheat more than once a week. Any more and it is all downhill. lolz. Remember my 10 months include Halloween (we throw a party every year), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Easter. That's a good 4 month block of temptation. lol
    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c22f8606-c0af-481a-adb6-5feabbd55ca3Post:1b4b4053-467f-48f7-8de6-cb763b44bd68">Re: 7 Days and counting....</a>:
    [QUOTE]coffee has carbs!?!?!??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *thrusts fists at sky*. Good luck Dannitra!
    Posted by footballwife77[/QUOTE]
    Just breathe...lolz. It isn't the carbs that have caused me to give up coffee, but my doctor advised me to lay off for a while because it can cause sugar cravings. Drink up hun. :)
    The Future Mrs. Douglas Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c22f8606-c0af-481a-adb6-5feabbd55ca3Post:1b4b4053-467f-48f7-8de6-cb763b44bd68">Re: 7 Days and counting....</a>:
    [QUOTE]coffee has carbs!?!?!??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *thrusts fists at sky*. Good luck Dannitra!
    Posted by footballwife77[/QUOTE]

    Lol you are a mess.
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