South Asian Weddings

What did you get your man for Christmas

Hey girls

I saw a thread in another forum about gifts for the hubby so I thought I'd bring it here...

If you are giving your man a christmas gift...what is it?

If you are stuffing a stocking for him...what's in it?

Re: What did you get your man for Christmas

  • MrsBMMrsBM member
    edited December 2011
    We had put a budget on our christmas gifting but I'm giving Hubz:
    a pair of leather gloves, a gift card to a coffee shop and PJs

    His stocking will have chocolate, socks and a new tuque

    This sounds super boring now that I'm reading it LOL but it's all things he really needs...well except for the chocolate and coffee lol
  • edited December 2011
    We didn't do stockings this year because I wanted to save something for next year when we are finally married and living together!!
    I got him Cowboy boots for the wedding (yes I have an Indian cowboy for a FI) and three DVDs he really wanted.
  • edited December 2011
    We almost didn't do Christmas since we just finished spending all the money on the wedding. But we decided to after all.

    I got him way too many video games for either the xbox or wii, a gift card towards a watch he has had his eye on and today I hope to be able to get him a new pair of pj pants and running pants.

    I have nothing for his stocking. Oops.
  • SonaliPopSonaliPop member
    edited December 2011
    Our birthdays are right after Christmas, and for our birthdays we usually do something for someone else. Last year, he adopted me a monkey from the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago and made a donation in our name to a Haitian relief fund. This year we're looking into Oxfam or probably making some Kiva lending loans. We both have everything we want or need, so, we just like to do something small for someone else on our birthdays. Christmas kind of just gets mixed into birthdays with us.
  • edited December 2011
    We didn't have much money this year. I had enough to buy stocking stuffers for FI and Kidlet. FI has several comic book subscriptions at a local comic shop. I put as much of a dent in his subscription stack as I could with $30 and all of those books went into a stocking with some candy (typical stocking stuffer in my family).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I dont know what to get mine. He hasn't told me anything and hasn't hinted anything so I'm at a loss. I was thinking about getting a Peacoat but.. its unnecessary for FL... 
    Any suggestions? As for Stockings, I stuffed a Toothbrush, gift cards (2) to starbucks and jamba juice, Lindt chocolates, jelly beans, and a tie. 
  • MrsBMMrsBM member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:430Discussion:98862aaa-c2ed-4007-b132-b6cea0d4bd87Post:f23f4b4b-2a8d-4ad1-bfce-9b152a4a1f65">Re: What did you get your man for Christmas</a>:
    [QUOTE] We both have everything we want or need, so, we just like to do something small for someone else on our birthdays.
    Posted by SonaliPop[/QUOTE]

    I'm impressed and inspired your day for someone else :)
  • SonaliPopSonaliPop member
    edited December 2011
    Yeah! We like to do it, it's our little contribution. Since our birthdays are one day apart, we get double the reason to celebrate, so we figure why not help someone else out. We're really lucky.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:430Discussion:98862aaa-c2ed-4007-b132-b6cea0d4bd87Post:2ece516e-f821-4dd9-a7a4-5eb6d0ad2c6c">Re: What did you get your man for Christmas</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah! We like to do it, it's our little contribution. Since our birthdays are one day apart, we get double the reason to celebrate, so we figure why not help someone else out. We're really lucky.
    Posted by SonaliPop[/QUOTE]

    This is amazing!! Very thoughtful!
  • edited December 2011
    @Sonali - that's a great way to celebrate both of your birthdays and Christmas! Very inspiring! :)
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: What did you get your man for Christmas</a>:
    [QUOTE]@Sonali - that's a great way to celebrate both of your birthdays and Christmas! Very inspiring! :)
    Posted by raangoli[/QUOTE]

    <div>Agreed! </div>
  • SonaliPopSonaliPop member
    edited December 2011
    Aw, thanks, ladies! Right now GroupOn has a coupon for Kiva so if any of you want to take part in making a loan to someone less fortunate, it may be cheaper for you than normal! I'd say go for it, it's a nice way to put an end to the year as well.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: What did you get your man for Christmas</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw, thanks, ladies! Right now GroupOn has a coupon for Kiva so if any of you want to take part in making a loan to someone less fortunate, it may be cheaper for you than normal! I'd say go for it, it's a nice way to put an end to the year as well.
    Posted by SonaliPop[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Sonali, you're my inspiration. <3</div>
  • edited December 2011
    Way late, but this is what I gave him...

    Tickets to see the Houston Rockets play the Golden State Warriors (it was an early gift since the game was on Dec 20th)... and the Rockets won, extra holiday bonus gift.

    Then on Christmas day I gave him a Rockets polo shirt, a Rockets snowman ornament, and a book about Houston he wanted. Because we went to AZ for the holiday, I didn't do stocking stuffers. I did give him a Lindt Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse bar. It would have been a stocking stuffer had I done that.
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