Gay Weddings

Disappointed in Maine

Hi there, I hope you don't mind a straight girl butting in and posting here. I'm just so disappointed in the results from Maine's ballot measure on marriage. I wanted to share with you a story that made me feel a little bit better after Prop 8 and now Maine.I few years ago I met an older man at a conference and he got to talking about his daughter. She lives in Texas with her husband and toddler son and had been married a few years prior. They had their wedding in Canada. They don't have relatives there or any other special connection to the country so the man asked his daughter why she was getting married in a seemingly random location.Her response?  "We wanted to get married where everyone can get married."I thought that was so sweet and I wanted to share. Have a great day and it will happen sometime, somehow.

Re: Disappointed in Maine

  • alisonzalisonz member
    edited December 2011
    I'm also (obviously) really disappointed in Maine. My father is from Maine and his whole family still lives there. I was really proud when they legalized same-sex marriage.Anyway, that's a super sweet story. thanks for stopping by!

    alison + irene | 10-10-10 | Studio 450

    My Big Fat Gay Wedding

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